My adopted twins

My twins are 4, can't wait for them to see this movie about adopted twins


Yes, it's a wonderful idea to bring young children to see a PG-13 horror movie. Will they be drinking and driving as well?





Ouch...I know this is an old post, but I'm cleaning out my inbox, and saw this, and when I re-read my reply, I was pretty mortified. My apologies to all...that was rude and uncalled-for. I don't even remember posting it; I have blinding, horrible chronic migraines, and sometimes I get very VERY "cranky" and say or write things I later cringe at. So please accept my apology for that catty, snarky comment. ;-O

I don't understand your specific kind of crazy, but I admire your commitment to it.


So...when they turn 5?

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