
Is Danny no longer a part of the group? He seems to have moved on and gotten closure.


I've been wondering the same thing. They were building towards a possible relationship with Sonia. And then he disappeared.




We can't read anything into the week to week developments on the show. This show played so fast and loose with the cast that you couldn't possibly know what was going on. For me, they took my favorite characters and wrote all of them out for many of the episodes (Carrie, George, and Owen), and completely changed the Sonia character (took her from an eccentric weirdo to a bump on a log), expanded the Yolanda character who was best taken in small doses, gave us too much Lauren, and expanded Steven in kind of a weird way.

The places where they got it right in the tinkering were the excellent upgrades to Mr. K, Ann, and Fausta. I would totally watch a show with only Ryan, Owen, Mr. K, Ann, Fausta, Carrie, and to a certain extent Yolanda. All of the characters I mentioned there (minus Mr. K and Yolanda) played excellently off of Ryan, especially Owen, Ann, and Fausta. It's too bad they never figured out what they wanted the show to be, but audiences are savvy enough to know if you're still effing around after 12 or 13 episodes, you don't really know what you're trying to accomplish. On comedies, that stuff should all be ironed out after no more than 8 episodes, and really 6.

