Steve, a human waste

After watching this moron in the summer season, and seeing his apparent total incompetence (besides his ability to create conflicts with everyone), I thought well maybe he cant be that bad, maybe its just his current situation and the crew he's stuck working with. But now seeing him repeating the same actions, and again creating conflicts now with a completely different crew, it becomes clear he is certainly the problem. The guy is incredibly lazy, literally seems to do nothing except act like he's "working" there with the others, but in reality is nothing but talk. He's shown he is worthless as far as the actual dredging effort because he's unable to simply dive and get gold, due to his own paranoia and fears. So what the hell is he doing there then? But besides these short comings, his worst problem is interaction with others which always sours over time it seems. Calling Zeke a monster, the guy who is providing this "job" for him where he does next to nothing and could potentially still make a good share of any gold found. And then not being able to admit he was wrong, not apologizing, and riding off to protect his own pride? Pride of what I have no idea, because he appears to be completely useless and is basically a scum bag lowlife. No idea how he is even surviving up there during the year after all the shenanigans he pulled on the last show and now this one. Sure, the show might twist things as most reality shows do these days. They might make him out to be the bad guy but theres only so far a show can twist these things. At some point the truth comes through over the period of filming we see and to me its clear this guy really is as much of a douchebag as the show makes him out to be. At this point Im hoping he just fails and loses all his money and is forced to get the hell out of there, back to some distant family for help or what have you. I am sick of seeing him and he's ruining the show!
Ok rant over. Though I've been very harsh, I think most people will agree.


Thanks for the Steve rant. It helped me get over some of my own bad feelings for this guy. You know he first showed up in the summer dredging season last year saying he wanted to keep an eye on his daughter, Emily Riedel in order to help keep her from harm. It soon became apparent that he was more dependent on her and Zeke than he was a help. Now he is the one causing them real harm by keeping the Clark team in turmoil. Truth be told, Emily is not much of a help either. Zeke does best alone as that is just his nature. He should keep his operation at a level that requires only himself to operate.

Anyone that lets Steve Riedel into their operations/business will soon regret it. If it weren't for the kindness of others, I think he would starve to death.
One thing I have learned from watching these underwater gold dredging shows is that the outfit with the best teamwork gets the gold! Take a look at the Lazy Gator outfit in comparison.


Im glad someone agrees. Whatever team he is on indeed had problems to the point they end up making no money and the whole season is wasted. I truly believe if the other Steve last season didnt have to deal with him (the guy's extreme temper problem made him snap on a personality type of Steve's even quicker), but he could actually have gotten some work done and possibly found some gold without those issues.
Zeke basically wants to *beep* Emily bad, I think Steve being there makes this an impossibility. Maybe thats why he hired him? to keep them apart. But he needs to either get it over with and bang her (if she lets him) or he should have left her off the team like at the end of last season. Its just a complication, but so far this season she has been pulling her weight from what I can see. Those 2 guys who just sat there all night in the tent after they found sand... they are pretty useless for supposedly being long time dredgers? Is that what Zeke said of them? or just long time friends. I think youre right about Zeke needing to do this himself. So far he's the only guy who actually went down for 6+ hours at a time and just got gold. The others sit around causing issues and not doing much else, and then probably expect an even share of the gold.
Zeke simply needs one good trustworthy guy who can run the generators, make sure the air hose and water hose are working, and man the radio for any emergencies. Thats it.


I completely agree that Steve is pretty much worthless and it would drive me nuts to work with him. I work with people like him and I have to control my temper every second.

On the other hand though, if I worked for Zeke and he came up to me and asked for a full page apology written in my best cursive writing he would be dredging for his teeth instead of gold.


Hah! That is true. If someone told me that I would also knock them the f--- out, but Steve is exactly the kind of guy who deserves that level of humiliation. No normal person would ever receive that kind of request.


Both Steve AND Zeke seem to suffer from ADD and HDAD. Do they serve Ritalin aboard the dredge?
