Compeletely fake

This show is completely fake. The gold is planted and the near death experiences are staged. Think about it people. The cameraman is under these people that are struggling for air or near death from hypothermia. But you don't see them helping those people because it is all staged.

Probably the same idiots that think Gold Rush Alaska is real think this garbage is real.


Completely agree.... all these so called "reality" shows are cheaply produced, staged, scripted, dramas.... that said... they should be called Soap operas or SitComs...

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


no it's not . it's real
sad but true
journalist will let everyone get hurt or killed as long as its newsworthy


Maybe that some things are staged, but this people are to rough to be acting.


I doubt its 100% fake, yes some of it is faked like all the drama crap and maybe bits with the hypothermia type stuff, it is a TV show after all, as for gold rush that is the same in many ways, its made by the same company who films Bering sea Gold i think, there are a fair few so called reality shows that are fake like Auction Hunters, American pickers, American Diggers, Container Wars and Ice Cold Gold to name a few that are not real.


The drama is crap but no way is the gold planted. Last season, the Pomrankes alone found 800 ounces. Emily found over 100. And that's only two of the crews. Do you have any idea how expensive it would be for the producers to buy thousands of ounces of gold to plant? It wouldn't even be worth it.

hard core at your door


The five flakes they plant when they film taking away a bolder and then go "wooooooh, we're on the gold, baby" probably are as fake as Zeke's acting.
And what's in the pan at the end of the day may be real in some cases, but most times it will be adjusted to made up amounts for dramaturgic purposes.
All in all, it is a redundant and mostly scripted show. So watching it as a guilty pleasure is fine. But don't take anything for real


The drama is crap but no way is the gold planted. Last season, the Pomrankes alone found 800 ounces. Emily found over 100. And that's only two of the crews. Do you have any idea how expensive it would be for the producers to buy thousands of ounces of gold to plant? It wouldn't even be worth it.

mystical... how do we know what they are "finding" is gold ? And if it is gold, how do we know if it's not the same gold being found over and over again ?

The Producer has already lied to the viewer by calling this crap "Reality".. why wouldn't he lie about the gold ? They could say they found a ton of gold if they want to.

This show and all "Reality" shows are Completely fake.....

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


As soon as people sign on for a reality show they kind of give up being a serious practitioner of whatever the subject matter is, and turn into somebody who plays one on TV.

A really good example of this is The Pawn Stars, who really did operate a Pawn Shop prior to the show, but now own a Pawn shop, but hardly ever are there, except for tapings.

Ghost Hunters: Two guys who gave up being Roto Rooter guys before they started the show, but kept the faking of being that for years on their show. While proclaiming their honesty constantly, lying about that fact, right off the bat! My favorite was when they'd pretend to be out on a house call, when somebody would alert them to some ghost activity, and they were so lazy they used their office bathroom several times to stage the Roto Rooter house call.

Another example is American Pickers. Mike was a hard core Bicycle collector, reseller who got a show, suddenly became an expert on everything, and brought in an actress to play their shop manager. They don't run around the country finding horders to buy from. Advanced collectors call them to showcase their collection on TV, pretending to be interested in selling them stuff. Every single show, if you did the math, you'd figure out they drove across the country, and didn't buy enough stuff to cover expenses! It doesn't matter if they made $1000 on an item, if it cost them $1200 in gas driving there. You try and go to their "shop" and see if you can find Danielle sitting there, selling stuff. Good luck, she spends 3/4ths of her time doing appearances at car shows and motor cycle gatherings.

Another fun thing about Pawn Stars and American Pickers is many, many of the items they supposedly bought to make money on aren't for sale! They are on display at their shops. The suspicion is the items weren't really bought, but an agreement was made to have them on loan instead for display.

9 times out of ten the people actually make their living, being on the show, not doing the subject matter, anymore. The Pamrenke's are the real gold dreggers here. But I'll also wager their cut is higher for being on the show. They probably go around helping the others look legit with advice and experience offered.


One of the best examples of fakery on these shows is equipment breakdowns, that just happen to be filmed! Like the equipment waited to break until the cameras were set up filming them?

Also the Kellies just made decent money. They can get an Air compressor and be back up and running in half an hour, there's only like 5 shops servicing these people in a 10 minute drive.

Equipment break down is a constant gag on these shows! Why? Because if the equipment breaks down, then they don't have to show endless scenes of actual work, and instead..can focus on shooting arguments, and drama...which is actually these shows bread and butter!

You just got out on the ice, and are trying to set up and make money. Do you have time to stop and have a long drawn out pissing contest conversation with a competing dredger? Does he? If your goal is truly to make money do you have time to do anything before you're set up and running? No! This just goes to show neither of these teams is actually there to find gold.


Whats Vernon Adkinson doing back? i thought he quit after the last summer season?
Regardless i keep watching for entertainment value, like Storage wars it's obviously fake but the fakeness makes it more entertaining somehow.


Yes. Film crews spend hours under the ice to film fake gold-hunters picking up fake gold.
Are you serious?

If it was all fake then I would hope it would be a LOT more interesting.
It isn't.

They may exaggerate the danger moments a bit but the action is real and the winter is real and the people are real.

