Vernon's New Dredge

In the 2015 season opener, Vernon is putting a lot of stock into his new, never tried dredge called the Eddy Pump. It is a bona-fide dredge that has many uses but has not been tested under the frozen Bering Sea. It just may work. Take a look at it by clicking on the link:


The dredge is wonderful, fantastic, amazing it cost over $100,000 and he's got a veritable crew of technicians he's got to pay a diver that goes down and guides it,, not to mention i'm sure the thing sucks gas like no tomorrow... it got 7 ounces in 20 hours...

meanwhile an experienced gold diver, and a novice girl diver almost got 3 ounces in 8 hours...probably spent less than $50 gas.

You do the math.

awful lot of $$$ spent to keep hourly pace with a thrown together outfit like The Clark crew.

Vern won't even break even at 70 ounces(less than $100k), meanwhile the Clark's practically pure profit.

Now granted they lost one girl, and I'm sure will lose another...but that just means a better split between 3 instead of 5 people.



The Eddy Pump dredge was a joke, I am highly suspect of their numbers. You can learn more about it and other attempts like it from the link:
