MovieChat Forums > Free the Nipple (2014) Discussion > this movie is going to rock

this movie is going to rock

the story mks you question why we in america can tolerate violence on tv , but how dare show boobs.


A movement based on a red herring?
The permissiveness of gratuitous violence and sex walk together in Hollywood films and tv

Encouraging frontal nudity for women down Main Street and Wall Street is liberating and helps gender equality?
Why people think New Yorkers are brain damaged


Because if people want to see nudity they will watch porn, the people behind this movement are *beep* retards, and there is nothing wrong with television or film violence, its pretty awesome actually.


jako , i don't blame you , you have been fed that since you were a baby , violence =ok
boobs = not ok

if men can do it women should be able to do it


Idiot where did I say boobs were bad, people go to movies to see awesome stuff they usually don't get to see in the real world, nudity pffft if you want to see titties go *beep* someone, go to a strip club, or watch porn.


I believe that one of the primary objectives of this movement is to erase the misconception that nudity automatically = sex when in reality there is no direct correlation.

Nudism involves a good deal of self discipline amongst those who participate. Nudism also fortifies self-esteem and promotes a healthier attitude to the natural, human anatomy.


"Nudism also fortifies self-esteem and promotes a healthier attitude to the natural, human anatomy."

Ummm last I checked there was no legitimate reason for people to walk around naked, we human beings not *beep* animals, and unless you are ridiculously attractive few people would ever want to see a man or woman walking around but naked in the first place, the whole argument the makers of this documentary put forth is pretty idiotic.


no one is advocating walking around naked , they are advocating for equality , if men can do it then women should be able to do it , what do you have against equality ? trust me the female boob won't bite you , its ok their boob is like your , don't be so afarid , its only a boob


You're a *beep* idiot.


Even if a boob could bite me, I'd let it, lol.


No, you are 100% undeniably, plainly correct. Both males and females have nipples. The fact that female breasts are larger with more tissue (typically) does not equate them with sex in any way. They exist to provide nourishment for offspring if a woman chooses to reproduce. If male pectorals can be publicly exposed, there is NO logical reason that female ones should not be. That doesn't imply that everyone should go about completely nude (although I see sense in the cases both for and against nudity.) There is nothing remotely "pornographic" about that part of the body.
There is also no reason that violent content should be more acceptable than sexual content.

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"


wow. i've never seen a more dull and uninteresting life.

penis and vagina are nothing more than glands by which to excrete bodily fluid.

see. very bland now.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


is your life so dull that you come to a site to complain about movie you have never seen , you must spend all day looking for things to hate , i feel sorry for you



Uuuuuuuuummmmmm...maybe if your life revolves around penises and vaginas?? 😮😛


Yes because showing your tits is more important than the issue of rape, unequal pay between genders, increasing number of women going poor, and that's only happening in the US. This is the reason why feminizism has become a joke. Hopefully this film will bomb and disappear into obscurity.

Passengers will refrain from killing my soul! ~Bus Driver Stu Benedict


im sure there were more important issues to blacks than where they got to sit on the bus , but that didn't stop rosa parks , RP and these women are fighting for equality , too bad you can't see that ,
