This movie is pointless

The biggest gender inequality of all is obviously that woman have to wear a shirt. Not receiving the same pay as men, pff who the heck cares about that? All I want is to show my boobs.
But seriously, out of all the social problems, they chose to do a movie about this? This isn't even a problem. I hope it doesn't get released.



Thanks. I learned something today.


Good link. Thx! :)

"Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be....NOT magic." -Tim Minchin



i have an idea , you mk the movie about women making less pay and someone will say their are women starving and you are worried about their pay , besides like all movies the story re the message is not the story its the characters and how and what drove them there , you explain why both men and women have boobs yet women go to jail if they expose theirs yet men are free to walk the beach w/o hassle, if that unfair application of the law is ok w/ you then so be it , but for many it typifies the discriminatory policies created by men against women


Does anyone else find it a little comically ironic that she called a movie about nipples 'pointless'? They are, after all kinda pointy.


Maybe she is a republican !


I was thinking of the e-card I saw somewhere that says "here's to nipples, without them, titties would be pointless" when I saw the title of the thread.


Breast pun ever!


I tittered!


This is actually the most obvious and significant disadvantage BOTH SEXES have. Obviously, women are allowed to look at men shirtless whereas men are prohibited from looking at shirtless women.

Sure, you can look at it the other way, that women aren't allowed to go shirtless while men are allowed. I was mainly just pointing out that EVERY SINGLE ISSUE that harms one sex equally harms the other sex.


I actually agree with you but I have another problem with this movie also. Women breasts and nipples are sexual organs and they are turning on for men while vice versa is rarely true. I think over exposure will desexualize the breasts and .. what woman wants that?? Do I want my man NOT to be turned on by my girls? Definitely not!:D Too much exposure leads to loss of mystery and play.. which is already a problem in our society. I am not saying lets go to burqa system but there has to be a balance in everything.


so which is more provocative , a low cut top or a topless women , i think the low cyt top , so then why not ban low cut tops and permit topless women


Because they are more provocative! And this is exactly my point!The low cut tops are more provocative because the breasts that are inside. You see some you guess some.. and the reward is discovering them. With bear breasts everything is out there.. boring.In the 19th century the ankles where considered sexy because they were covered, hidden. Prostitutes were the ones wearing shorter skirts. Nowadays, how many men get turned on by the ankles? And I am not talking about legs here.The mystery of the ankles is gone! :p Save the mystery of the breasts! :D Don't take me too seriously! After 10 years of marriage - and a happy one - I learned that the secret to good sex is the play. This is why I don't get the hurry of the women to get naked.


you are confusing showing ones chest as being sexual , when you see a man on the beach w/o his shirt on do think he is being sexual? so then why the double standard ? in europe and around the world toplessness causes no distress only in america and ironically maybe the middle east are women prohibited from wearing or not wearing certain clothing , so in b/t total freedom and sheria law america lies somewhere in the middle


Where do the americans take the information about Europe is beyond me! :-):-):-):-):-):-) I live in Amsterdam, lived in Italy France and Monaco and I have not seen what you are talking about. The most naketness I have witness was in Romania where topless on the beach was the rule... and what men believed only proved my point. Norvegia is one of the most liberals countries. also the country that strugle with alcholism and suicide, relations last very little and people are bored out of their mind. Also in Italy to be topless for a men in public is bed form. I can't remember a single women at the beach that was topless and it is the country of Salieri..


I actually never realized how puritan many of the laws still are in the US until I moved away to a foreign country. I now live in Switzerland and have traveled quite a bit throughout Europe. I think the reaction to seeing women's breasts exposed in public is much more nonchalant here than it is in the US. People just don't make a big deal of it here if, for example, a woman goes topless at the beach. It's also not uncommon to see women's breasts in public advertising here (e.g. billboards on the side of the road). Because of this, I suspect that, from a young age, many people here are kind of desensitized to seeing women's breasts. If we treat something as taboo, then I think that often backfires and just makes some people more obsessed and curious about it. We're told that America is the "land of the free" but in sooo many ways, it is not.


Since you are living in Amsterdam, then what about just going to the beach in the summer (not in the winter I guess)? And I don't mean the nudist at Zandvoort, but just the normal ones like Wijk aan Zee and so. Plenty of topless sunbathing there.

In Amsterdam, I could last summer sit on my friends houseboat and get some sun while topless, and not one had an heart attack about that.

I am aware that some sexually deprived teenagers and men are objectifying breasts so much that they really should seek some therapy sessions about their fetishes, but should (any) women really be blamed for their issues?

If you are further trying to spell to Norway (Norvegia is Latin for Norway), then it is some kind of the worst examples that you can make when trying to give examples of alchoholism and suicide statistics compared to other countries in the world. True the Scandis are starting early with alcohol but that does not mean that any of these countries have a high percentage of alcoholism.

Besides, if you are bored ANYWHERE, then you can only blame yourself and your own life for it and not the country that you live in.

I kind a liked the movie by the way. Not high art of any kind. Just nice.


Oh i don't know about that i've seen women with some pretty sexy ankles although i'm more of an elbow guy myself.


AllyDea: Oh thank you for saying that; I thought I was alone in the whole 'let's NOT have men look at our bodies and go 'm'eh' idea. I mean in my case I really don't need to have to work any harder at the whole 'sexy going on' - I'm 49, slightly overweight, have serious health issues and feel (most of the time) like a large sack of wet flour.

So for me being told the one asset I do have going for me is going to be turned into just a....well, in my case a large soft shelf, does not fill me with joy. My girls are my best friends; they're still up there (pretty much) and they've not been messed up by my bad health, meds, treatments and hospital tests like my hair (it's falling out) and weight have. They're natural and they're, thankfully, fine. DO NOT mess with my girls.

I don't know why some women are obsessed with men's views of them on an every day basis. Especially these feminists. I mean I'm all for women's rights; but this is ridiculous. These same feminist women shriek in horror if a guy whistles them; saying they're being 'sexualised against their will'. But now feminists everywhere are getting their girls out because they 'should be able to'. I don't think they even realise the irony. The fact that celebrities who have their boobs out all the time are leaping on to that bandwagon, just adds to the hilarity from my point of view.

But thanks again for showing me I'm not alone with being proud of my girls; and making sure we keep the allure for our guys. 


Enjoy life; there's plenty of time to be dead - especially when you're a vampire.


I find it ridiculous that the shot of the topless women in the movie trailer is digitally blurred. What was this movie about again?


Exactly! That's what I was thinking. So much for the success.

I haven't followed the whole discussion. But I think this movie has a point considering "Nipplegate". In Europe women don't run around topless, but if you saw some nipples on TV nobody would care. In the US they delayed broadcasting of shows for a few seconds because they were afraid of the evil "nipples".

Reminds me also of the campaign "When nurture calls".


I'm sure if the filmmakers had their way it would not be blurred but alas the marketing is handled by the distributer who wants the promotional material to appear on as many platforms as possible. Since most platforms are afraid of female nipples they have to make concessions.


Sex sells. I bet you that millions of men are going to watch this movie because there's a "chance" that a bunch of women are going to show off their boobs. It's all a plot to make money really lol


If the title had the word "Pointy" in it, it might have worked.
