Feminist logic

They will fight for the right to go topless, then complain about being repressed and viewed as sex objects if any male looks at them


the point is to make the desexualize the breast


How can you desexualize something so sexual? The breasts are for feeding children, and men unconsciously consider this.


You realize in the victorian era women's legs were more sexualized in breasts, then women decided to cover up one and expose the other and now its the other way around. Sexualization is largely dependent on what is taboo, get rid of the taboo and it becomes less sexualized...


less sexuality = less intimacy

less intimacy = more monotony

more monotony = more uniformity

more uniformity = fewer choices

fewer choices = communism.

thanks. thanks alot commie.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


lol, so many crazy assumptions there, you have to be a Poe...


I thought it's gr8! :-D


Obvious trollbait topic, but let's toss some Men Logic at the topic creator for fun:
They will insult women who have a lot of sex, then complain when women won't have sex with them.

Women want breasts to not be sexualized, is that so hard to comprehend? So many websites and television will censor a woman's bare chest when they won't do the same for a man's bare chest. A man won't get arrested for being topless, a woman will. A man's bare chest can be in even a G-rated movie, a woman's bare chest is a PG-13 if it's brief, an R otherwise.

The right to go topless isn't about being sexualized as sex objects, it's the opposite.


I think that women tried for decades to co-opt and adopt the sexual behavior of men. That failed miserably. The new course is to repress men and insist they act more like women would like for them to act. That had better fail or we are done. Men should never be *beep* but they shouldn't be pussies either.


First off, it's usually women who harass each other for having a lot of sex. Most men could care less, or actually like that behavior, as long as it's not a woman they plan on starting a family with.

The drive here is biological though I would argue. In almost any living population the burden of discretion and choosiness is placed on the sex with less genetic material. Infinite sperm, limited eggs - I think it's obvious which sex this is in humans. This is why the drive of the male is basically fueled by diversity and visual stimuli and often for females it is more complex and varied. This is something you could write a book on though, so it's not worth getting into all of it here.

Just Google the subject though, these social conventions regarding female and male sexuality weren't just "invented" to keep the woman down lol - sure women are treated much worse in the world in general overall - but sex is the one area they really have the power (ofc not counting forced rape or anything like that) and with that power comes social responsibility. The ironic part though, is that it's the other women in their social circle usually ostracizing and keeping them accountable.

Interesting fact - in our closest primate relatives, females will literally turn their back on a promiscuous female within a group/family every time she attempts to socialize with the group until her behavior is changed. Google it I'm not making this stuff - seriously I wish women were more promiscuous in general life would be a lot more fun for us guys haha. I have no problem with a woman having many partners (within reason, not >50-60 probably) as long as I could count on her to be faithful anyway.


I agree with OP. And the reason a woman's chest is covered up is because well it's a part of the body that is used for both attracting a mate and for feeding offspring if the woman wants to....a man's chest doesn't have any of the same functions a woman's chest does. Guess feminists fail anatomy lol

In today's world a natural blonde is as rare as a redhead.


Your mistake was thinking that feminism is logical.


Feminists and logic ? there is no such thing

Quality in art is not merely a matter of personal opinion but to a high degree objectively traceabl


They will fight for the right to go topless, then complain about being repressed and viewed as sex objects

thid is what hollywood big wigs use to get naive young actresses to go naked for a role they make them believe its for the sake of artistic free expression when n reality they are just objects of commerce

I love having some mystery to the character without having to question who he is "


This is true, thankfully.
