Only for good looking

No one want to see ugly, fat, droopy or leathery boobs.

Dear Stupid People: Please stop breeding, there are enough of you.


"Enough of us" you mean.


I agree. There are too many of them with big droopy swingers.


And here's a thought: you don't have to look.
Isn't that a novel suggestion?



Men with hairy beer bellies need not apply, they're nasty.

And the skinny ones with no six pack can also keep their shirts one. Ain't nobody wants to see that.


the reality is the only girls who are going to do this are young hipster types with hair in there arm pits throw in the fat ones for good measure .The reality is no one stays young forever gravity will take over and bring those boobs down no one wants to be walking around with saggy doggies

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
