Jeff is great!

Once again at the Roseanne Roast he killed it and was HILARIOUS! I am really excited to see this new show and hope it does really well.


Watching it now and it's pretty damn funny. Hope he doesn't have to tone it down at all.

Ok just finished and it was great and didn't hold back!

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?


it keeps getting better. third episode was MUCH funnier than pilot


I find it interestring that there has been a celebrity death each week since it started, giving him material for the 'Too Soon' segment. Tonight they used Tony Scott and an old comedienne whose name I forget for the segment, but didn't say anything about Neil Armstrong. That's too bad because I was interested in hearing what jokes he'd come up with for the first man on the moon.



Neil Armstrong jokes will be on the fourth episode.

"If you wanna smoke pot, be prepared to spend alot of time laughing with your friends."
