A painful drag

This movie drags on so bad. There are scenes where the characters are just staring at each other with blank and awkward faces. If you cut all the staring out of this, you can probably save about a 1/4 chunk of this film...its just pointless awkward scenes.I also dont like the fact that this film was bias and glorified women too much and made men seem disposable. I get that the director is a woman but her idea of upper middle class over privileged women having a tough life because they're bored and they need their next eat out session is not a very good plot for a movie. It is a sad and depressing example of why some women are just better off with men rather than having a pointless lesbian marriage. Also...the scene where she kisses her child on the lips? Thats just gross I'm sorry. That mouth has been in more places than bear grylls from man vs wild..and he drinks his own pee.


Yah it was just like real life. And b/t/w most people I know often kiss on the lips. You need to pull your head out of your ass. What's a guy like you watching a movie like this?


Right, men who beat, abuse, rape, and dominate women...men have been so great to women over the millenia...I'm not gay and I've always had relationships with men, but men treat women like sh*t...go suck and egg. And get this...men are disposable...you can basically poke an egg with a pin and get it to reproduce. Really don't need sperm to create life...yeah, no more Y chromosome, but then maybe no wars, women being stoned to death, women being beated, burned alive..etc.etc.


How many times have you gotten a good beating? Aw...a man didn't call you back, the horror! The reality is you're a sheltered princess, who has never had to do anything and never will. As for reproduction, once you forgo sexual recombination, you can eat those precious eggs scrambled, because the necessary cells can be generated and gestated in the lab. And it would make no logical sense to go the expense of producing females, whose only use is sex, though it's unclear what exactly you should make


It's best not to be too moral you cheat yourself out of too much life.

Wow where is all this hatred coming from. This is suppose to be a movie and your feeling for it - I don't think it was meant to be about your feelings for lesbians, woman, men etc. Why are we talking about reproduction? Strong feelings between men and women. Just thinking but maybe that is why woman do go with woman. This is coming from a woman married 37 years!


Good job, cupodirect.

Timlin-4, If you quit baiting for long enough to pay attention to the film you might notice that there is a character, Kate, who does work that is considered valuable to society. Doing a good job raising children, as Abby and Kate do, is also considered valuable to society. If you had ever done anything worthwhile you could appreciate what others do.


i partially agree

so many movies, so little time
