us air date

When will this show air in the US?


Per a recent tweet by PNW, it still hasn't been announced:


When will this show air in the US?

I've been watching it since the middle of December.

No waiting for the SciFi Channel to get off their asses, and no censorship.

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I've been watching it...


It's this magical thing called the internet.



Any decent torrent site.

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Ah. Thanks. Don't do torrents anymore.


yes and using torrents is a fast way to get shows cancelled, congratulations you are part of the problem.

on air viewing figures are what keep shows alive people downloading them kills them.

The DVD box set is released in the UK soon I bet you wont buy that either!.


yes and using torrents is a fast way to get shows cancelled, congratulations you are part of the problem.

on air viewing figures are what keep shows alive people downloading them kills them.

I'm in the US and Primeval: New World wasn't being aired on any channel available in the US. The decision to cancel it was made long before I ever even got a chance to watch it "live". When the SciFi channel does inevitably air it, it will be butchered with edits to the language and scenes removed or shortened so that they can cram in an extra 2-3 minutes of commercials.

Also, to the best of my knowledge, networks in the US still only rely on Nielsen ratings, so if you don't have a Nielsen box, you're not being counted anyway.

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Okay, really? Do you two, last 2 posters watch the news? They just recently, with the last 2 weeks I believe it was, talked about nielsen changing due to the times. They're going to change to start counting people who watch via DVR or the internet, so pretty soon that won't matter.

But as far as I know, even once that change is made, it still won't count unless you watch on the internet or have a nielsen box. So while this part won't change, they'll at least start counting viewing on the internet.

There's also the fact we in the US may never get to see it now that it's cancelled. Yes, SciFi(no spelling other way) bought the rights to it, but now that it's canned, why would they air it. This is the channel that doesn't care about it's SciFi fans anymore, so wouldn't surprise me if they decided to forego airing it, regardless of being able to.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


There's also the fact we in the US may never get to see it now that it's cancelled. Yes, SciFi(no spelling other way) bought the rights to it, but now that it's canned, why would they air it. This is the channel that doesn't care about it's SciFi fans anymore, so wouldn't surprise me if they decided to forego airing it, regardless of being able to.

On the other hand, whatever they paid for the rights is probably less than it would cost them to produce their own shows. So even with only 13 episodes, it probably makes sense for them to air it.

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UK DVD box set is released in April, I'm sorry piracy is still not an answer!.
and by internet viewing they do mean via a pay system not downloading Illegal torrents!.

Saying a program isn't easily available and pirating it is killing Programs on a regular basis, and before you talk about the Berne act and the amendments to the U.S.A regarding non availability, that only counts for material that was recorded inside the U.S.A.

whatever else is said and done if 4 million Americans download and watch a series that is a minority interest then why would any American pay system buy it?.

I Import a large amount of DVD's for my personal viewing, because America releases 100's of films and programs that never make any English TV or DVD releases.



June 6th I think


Saturday June 8th 9 central 2013


It's paired up with Sinbad, another supposedly cancelled show, which will air an hour before Primeval: New World. An interesting summer of Saturday nights if they show the episodes consecutively.


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