Karen's Hair

Looks God-awful in the previews! Also, I can't remember, did she lose the baby last season because the previews don't show any baby-related scenes?


She didn't lose the baby, remember when she, Vivian and Alec made a vídeo in the hospital just moments before Vivian died? The video was dedicated to the baby that she was never going to met.
Jerry O'Connell was cast as the male nanny for the kid.
Her hair was very strange in the promo, but what bothered me the most is that they didn't even showed the new girl who's gonna replace Calista.


Did Calista kill herself or we don't know yet? I wonder who the new girl will be.


Spoiler. Alert.


Awful, just awful...it ages her so much! She's really a gorgeous woman, but the hair is not good.


It ages her SO much.

That's the haircut you get when you are a 60-something Asian grandmother trying to be hip. I've seen it so many times. It's like a big hair beret in the front. 

It's called a hustle, sweetheart. 🐰🐱


HAHAHA...so true! ;-)


I love how they had a line with Harry saying how great her hair looked. It seemed so forced by the writers. I bet it was hard for him to keep a straight face when he said that line. LOL!


Harry saying how great her hair looked.

Harry's not stupid. He knows what to say and what not to say to a woman.


I don't like it either. It makes her head look even bigger than what it is. She looks like a bobblehead now. LOL!!


That's a little mean but if the shoe fits...plus a lot of moms either let their hair go or cut it short because it's a little overwhelming being responsible for a new human life.


Had they gone for a somewhat proper Lulu Brooks it could've looked cute, but her haircut looks like it's in an awkward position of trying to grow it out.


She needs a low maintenance cut for her busy life. It makes her seem older than she is, but she can grow it out if she wants.


Yea,that hair looks like my dog cut it with the weed whacker.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


I thought the haircut was because of the baby. A lot of new mothers get their hair cut short because babies yank hair.
