Harry is a douche

That boy looks just like him, if someone came and said they were my kid I'd be thrilled. Such a jerk.


I don't see them working out in the future. Harry's first loves is his restaurant and cooking food, temper tantrums, being excitedly girly are close seconds. The sex and magic with my exes kid sister has worn off.


He was cruel to that kid. At least find out the truth with your sneaky behind his back test before you rip his head off.

Harry is moody and immature. I swore he changed. They made him more unlikeable than he was in season 1


Oh yawn. Men are always "jerks" for having emotions (women, specifically) don't agree with. Give it a rest. The guy just shows up unannounced at Harry's door announcing he's his son, and Harry's supposed to just be gullible enough throw open his arms and give him a welcoming hug?? Women get to withhold secret babies from men for decades on end and then a grown kid shows up at the man's door and he's supposed to just accept it? Don't be ridiculous.

Wearing my 'fro as high as it will go
