MovieChat Forums > In a World... (2013) Discussion > How did they get Geena Davis to star in ...

How did they get Geena Davis to star in this?

Damn! Impressive cameo! Seems like she's been MIA on screens for years. Nice to see her back. Wish they didn't spoil her appearance by showing her credit on the screen in the opening credits.


I think she's the right actor for that role.

The story is king.


I think it's a combination of things. One being that she's been involved with the voice-over community (I mean, with a voice like hers, hello!) and the other being that she's been very active in the past years with various organization promoting women in the film industry, not just as glamorous things you put on the posters but also behind the scenes, as directors, writers, etc. So her involvement was probably a very organic process.

And of course, she kills her scene!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


One thing I've learned is never be surprised by who is secretly Friends behind the scenes... and considering who is all in this she could easily be a friend of a friend of one of them

The media is more than happy to show/talk about Clooney and Pitt being BFFs (because they are both A list... and have worked together)

what is rarely talked about is Clooney being close/closer friends with guys Like Grant Heslov and Richard Kind (both are character actors) Heslov is occasionally name checked as Clooney's producing partner but not often seen... and Kind is best known for TV work


You make an excellent point, for example, I was so surprised to see Cameron Diaz's cameo, but then I realized they've done movies together-- naturally they could be the best of friends off screen and it's just not as highly advertised as say Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore.

And as someone else mentioned, Geena Davis has a foundation set up to promote women in film so naturally she would be an organic choice to consider, that and everyone in this film has a unique and interesting voice :D Great casting.
