MovieChat Forums > In a World... (2013) Discussion > Don't know why this was rated R

Don't know why this was rated R

At worst it should have been PG-13. Was it R just because it was an indie film? Maybe indies don't have enough money to fight/negotiate with the MPAA.



I don't even recall a swear word.

Maybe because they talked about putting the tip in.


Tip as in a gratuity?


I only now realized that this comedy didn't have any cussing. Also, all the sex was alluded to.
Kudos to Lake Bell for creating a "clean" adult comedy, that writing is often times hard to pull off.


Right at the beginning of the movie the Dad walks into the house and says, *beep* Christ." Would have been easy to cut that and get a PG-13 rating so they must have wanted the R -- maybe for "indie street cred?"


Oh, this forum censors words -- the *beep* word above starts with an F and ends with an ing.


There was also cursing at the family dinner scene. I believe 2 uses of the F word get you an R rating.


Yes, in its infinite wisdom, the MPAA has determined that hearing the F-word more than once in a film is too likely to corrupt the youth of this country. We can't have that. For the record:

Two F-words = R rating
Naked people having sex = R rating
Decapitating people = PG-13 rating

We certainly have our priorities straight.


I don't know what movie you were watching but there's a lot of f-bombs in this flick.
