MovieChat Forums > The Fall (2013) Discussion > His hands would have been tied down

His hands would have been tied down

When Spector awakes from surgery he has a ventilation tube down his throat. Patients usually have their hands tied down because the instinct is to pull the tube out of one's throat. This happened to President Reagan after his shooting in 1981 - he had to have his hands tied down because he kept trying to pull the damn thing out of his throat. Read it in a great book titled Rawhide Down.


Also he murdered a bunch of people. With his hands.

So, I just write something here and it will appear on everything I post?


Reagan didn't murder anyone with his hands. He did, however, murder our economy with trickle-down economics.

Don't tell me you love animals if that's cow muscle on your plate.


There's no way you didn't know who I meant but I see the ambiguity now

So, I just write something here and it will appear on everything I post?


True, but thanks for the opportunity to mock The Republican Party, now officially the greatest threat the US has ever faced.

Don't tell me you love animals if that's cow muscle on your plate.


"Reagan didn't murder anyone with his hands. He did, however, murder our economy with trickle-down economics."

He also murdered thousands of people all over the world by funneling weapons to fascist governments and death squads in places as diverse as Iraq, Afghanistan (mujahideen), Pakistan, El Salvador, Chile, southern Korea, Indonesia, Nicaragua (Contras), Guatemala, the Philippines, South Africa, Zaire and countless others. And let's not forget his criminal invasion of Grenada, crushing the independence of a country with a total population smaller than that of New York City so the US could feel big and strong again after losing in Vietnam.


Security seemed lax in general. How was there not an extra officer or two inside the interrogation room in season 3 episode 6? Or at least standing outside the door?
