So Far Not Loving It

The artwork seems like a step down, the removal of Gwen and Kevin 5 minutes in really turns off those who were fans of them. I'm keeping an open mind about the plot line but I'm so far not impressed by what they're showing in the sneak peek.


I'm finding I'm not liking the artwork either, I mean, maybe if the storylines are good it'll be tolerable, but some of their eyes are just wrong...


I totally agree with you, mate. The artwork just blows; and Gwen & Kevin going away is not right. If they wanted to get rid of a character, they should've eliminated Grampa Max, instead of giving him weird eyes!!

"You're missing all action underneath my table"


I agree. Don't really like the animation to much ether.
Plus on a side note. Don't you think after all this time, Ben would seem a little more mature and experienced? I'm not falling for the whole throwback to the egotistical, bratty, wrong transformation Ben shtick anymore.



I figured I'd give it a shot to see if maybe the story lines were really amazing but come on...that was a Season 1 story line.

"I'm Ben 10, I'm super awesome. I don't need a partner."

Artwork wise...I'm really not sure why the change. I think if they'd used it back when they were transitioning between the child Ben and the teenager it'd make more sense but people are we're just dealing with screwed up eyes and...God Kevin looked awful. Clothes and body and eyes....just awful.


I've watched every Ben 10 series, and I've loved every one of them. From the beginning the characters were interesting, and likable. As the shows progressed, the characters and the animation matured, even the story lines became more complex and mature.

This news series is awful. The characters don't seem themselves. The art/animation is horrible/ugly. Ben looks younger than he did in the previous series. Kevin looks like a Caveman/Gorilla. Gwen just looks atrocious...freckles!!?? The eyes look wrong on ALL of the characters.... And writing the characters out of the show?

The story is terrible, in every way this show seems like a step in the wrong direction.

so far i HATE the new show :(


I really, really hate to agree because I'm a big Ben 10 fan.
Again, the eyes are weird, like everyone's. What's with no pupils? And why does Grandpa Max's eyes look like Brock from pokemon?
Ben looks younger now, which is just a weird way to go with the show.
I understand that the network is trying to appeal to younger audiences with the show, with the art, dialog, and storyline. After all, it is a kids show. But with how established the series already is, I can't help but feel like the network is alienating (no pun intended) its already large fan base.

Why did the artwork need to be completely redesigned? How old is Ben supposed to be, really?
Where's his girlfriend, even? I'm not even sure if he's old enough to date at this point.

reply, seriously whoever is designing the characters now must hate him because he does really...resemble a gorilla or a Scooby Doo villain now. He looks humongous and strangely hunched over and kinda 35.

Which makes it really seem weird because Kevin looks like he should have a 12 yr old kid meanwhile Ben looks younger than that kid would be.

If they haven't kicked her off the show too I'm already wincing imagining what Julie looks like. They gave weird eyes to all the American characters, God only knows the horror they'll unleash on the one who IS actually Asian.

It seems like a bad decision. Ben 10 the original didn't have that many Seasons compared to the animation most were used to. Why change the artwork when its become a standard and people liked it.


totally I watched the whole episode and I hate everything about It, I def will not be coming back I used to love this cartoon now it looks worse than the first season of Ben 10. They should have just done a time jump this season.

they should have made him a young adult like around 18-21. well that being said RIP Ben 10 this will surly be your last season.


It's a real darn shame what happened...

Kickin' Trolls in the Nuggets since 2006



I hope it get canned and the they go back to what UA was. This *beep* is terrible.


Totally this version looks worse then season 1 ben 10 its like the dumbed it down. I know it's a kid show but now its like there catering it for 10 yr. olds and the fact that this board is so slow only shows that no one is watching it anymore. So much so that no one even cares to make a tread ouch....


Did they explain what happened to Gwen and Kevin?Yeah after Ultimate Alien the character designs look terrible.


They wrote them off as looking to colleges out of state.

Pretty excellent slash/burn approach on one of their most popular shows: cut two of the main characters, change the artwork completely, change the ongoing story line, make everything suck.


They done exactly what they planned on doing and revamped it. The guys old enough to remember the 1st should be getting old enough yall spend money on girls or cars before toys. Done the same thing to cartoons I grew up with in the 80s when they went to the crap japanese style lazy sharp corner style. The network doesn't make money keeping older "Kids" watching it makes money by making parents buy new toys for their kids.


@neo71665 isn't that the point though?
The parents who grow up loving the series as a loyal fanbase eventually has kids, and they turn their kids on to the show, and buy them the merchandise etc.

If the loyal fanbase feels betrayed, they will move on.


Funny growing up I played outside and try to get my kid to instead of sitting him infront of the electric babysitter all day. When we are inside he watches what he wants. I don't try to push anything on him. He got me on ben10 but he is the target age, loves all of the versions. When it comes to cartoons I'd rather watch my 80s stuff from when I grew up. Back then before all the legal crap cartoons were made only to sell toys and even us kids knew it.
