sad (spoiler)

What he did was wrong, but I can't help feel a bit sorry for Paul. I think anyone with any compassion would. If he got the help he so desperately needed, and learned how to manage his panic attacks this probably could have been avoided. This was a man who was obviously hurting very badly inside, and had no social skills.

She should have been more sensitive. Instead of lashing out at him she should have set him down on the couch, and said that i'm sorry if I led you on, but it was one weekend nothing more. He had spent his whole life alone, and finally found someone he "thought" he connected with. She had no regards for his feelings what so ever. It shows that as a society we need to be more compassionate to people with these type of issues instead of just labeling them "needy" as she said to him, or consider them freaks.

It's always easy to make fun of that quiet loaner with the glasses in the office where you work, and ridicule him, but you never how he might actually feel, or what he's been through.


If she had been nicer to him she wouldn’t have gotten attacked? That same old logic?

Socially awkward as he may have been, Paul was just as entitled and manipulative as any other man who attacks a woman because he “won’t take no for an answer,” as he said to Danielle when he first asked her on a date.

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


I don't think she was at fault in her death but she did pump and dump him though lol.

I would never make an obviously unstable man that angry when we are alone. That just wasn't very bright.
