Wecome back sci-fi!

I might get beat up here, but I really thought sci fi or syfy (whatever) made a much better shark movie this time, they totally gave it an interesting twist at the end, I thought it was going to be predictable or that everyone was going to die but it had a nice female powered feel to it. more movies like this would be appreciated!

"you thought it was me gnawing on the passengers? nah, I'm a vegetarian."


This ain't a SyFy-production. It's an The Asylum-production, which usually suck sweaty donkey balls... Haven't seen enough SyFy-productions lately to tell is they are the same kind of quality nowadays.


I almost switched off when I saw "The Asylum presents" at the very beginning. (I wish I had) That, and SyFy spells "utter crap movie"


I agree. I liked it. It was way better then I expected.

That being said there were plenty of points in the movie where they could have avoided the sharks. Only one part was booby trapped when they had to kill to get out. The rest they could have just kept going and ignored him.
