Exploitive, plain and simple.

Reality shows are a tough thing to judge. Most of them aren't very good, mostly shallow and mindless entertainment. I'll admit a few of them have entertainment value to some extent but THIS... There's no entertainment here. This show is exceptionally poor and stereotypical and comes off as the most insincere, disgusting exploitation of a little girl with her loser trailer trash family I've ever seen. Yes, that means it's even worse than 16 and Pregnant. This family has no direction, no worthwhile future plans, nothing redeeming. Not only that, it's poorly written and lacks any considerable foresight or lessons learned. The mother only cares about the money, the rest of the family is uninteresting and disinterested in the whole ordeal. Makes everyone from Georgia look bad and I'm from Savannah. Why hasn't child services taken 'HBB' away from that sleeze of a mother and her pedo boyfriend?

Again, no this is definitely NOT representative of Georgia as a whole.


Yeah, who on earth watched this garbage?


It's sad how TLC went from a good channel with shows about science and nature to garbage like this.


Laid to rest next to A&E.


It's not sad, it's reality. Just shows how much America has fallen education wise and this in general. Even down to the point where we elected a person with no public service or government experience into office. I think it'll get worse as the years go by.


I heard about this show a few years ago, saw it on an episode of South Park. Decided to look it up.
After watching about 15 mins of it, I wanted to trow myself off a building. I'm not American, but this truly made me lose my faith in humanity.


You lasted fifteen? I haven't been able to watch more than a minute before getting violently sick.


I guess I was just in awe and shock of how bad it was. Made me paralyzed so thats why I was able to last 15 mins. We don't have these 'beauty pageants' for kids in Europe. So it was more of a culture shock.


Who would watch this??

It's a little kid y'all!
