Softcore Porn

I used to look forward to this until I realised how much of the reenactment is the sex scene with that bloody stupid gasping moan that makes me feel like I can't breathe lol. Sex sells, we get it, but when the real people look like *beep* and the actors are hot, it takes away from whatever the network was trying to accomplish. All I'm left with is my inhaler in hand, really.

This is a discussion forum, not a fan forum.
I'm British, my sense of humour is superior!


I really don't like this show for that very reason. I remember watching the case of Tracey Burelson, a case that I'm familiar with since it happened where some of my relatives lived, and how "hot" they made the people involved in that look and then laughing since they made it look so oversexed and trashy. Fatal Vows, who also covered the case did a better job and actual had actors who looked like the people and showed more details of the case.

"That was the sickest thing I've seen on TV, and I watch Dance Moms"


It's hilarious how the actors are absolutely gorgeous on this show, then you see the real people and you're like, "WTF?"! I also agree about the annoying gasping and moaning. These tragic stories could be told in a more dignified and not sleazy way. This is definitely one of ID's worst.


Completely agree about the actors being hot, when in reality the real people involved look nothing like them.

Aside from that, I've noticed that they really "sex up" the stories. I've seen certain cases covered by other documentaries like Dateline or 48 Hours and the crime wasn't told as if it was solely about sex. (For instance, a guy killed his wife to get her life insurance money, but they spent 99% of the show talking about their sex life).


God, it's a stupid show, and yes the actors look nothing like the real life unattractive's a stupid sex show...really boring, I wish they'd cancel it...
