Karen Gillans Clothing

I like how Karen Gillan is wearing a short crop top and mini skirt in the jungle.

Don't worry about the mosquitos or anything..


Your safe space is waiting for you.



She plays a Lara Croft parody.


YEP!!How stupid. Why? Literally if I could ask the director why did you dress her that way I would love to hear the answer. Because I guarantee you kids are not going to give a crap but she's in a crop top and little booty shorts or mini skirt not going to make them want to go see the movie anymore it just literally ruined it for me so now I'm not going to go see it. It totally made it look like a d-list movie


Because her character is a Lara Croft parody.


She is a video game character being played by a child. Check out any video game on the market 90% of them have scantly clad dressed women, most of which are in situations where they shouldn't be dressed that way.

I like big butts and I cannot lie


Wait, so women aren't allowed to dress sexy in movies? Since when?


Since Political Correctness gelded all them men into metrosexuals that want to have sex with other men, or pretend they're outraged at this so that they don't offend their girlfriends, (who probably have bigger balls than the men) and get shut off for a month...

I must be of the few men who believe she's indecently OVERdressed in this movie. It's Karen Gillan for chrissake: she's gorgeous!



That's pretty much my favourite part of the trailer tho. yumm


I like how they made sure to address this “choice” of clothing in the movie. Ahhh Karen. 😉
