Good movie, scary, suprising

As a horror movie buff, I've seen them all.

Some good, some very good, most very bad.
My demands aren't that high. I don't expect oscar winning horror. But from time to time I just want something a little different.

This movie was just that.
It took a few minutes to get into it. The acting seemed cardboard, but it was probably intentional, since it was not "Hollywood" but "handy-cam". It also helped that the actors were "non-believers".

The transformation was impressive, subtle, scary.
Not everybody will agree, but the sound effects were perfect and set a great atmosphere.

For everybody who loves horror, misses the old days. but was happy with Sinister, V/H/S, Conjuring and Insidious, this is also a good one.



The acting seemed cardboard? Did you even watch the lead act? Also the other players in this did their jobs properly. I don't know what more you expected from the acting in this.


The acting wasn't "cardboard" at all; everyone was very good in their roles, I felt.

And I think you mean the characters were "non-believers."

But other than this, yes it's a fairly decent horror of the found footage/self-recording story type.
