Another thought

Seeing this again tonight (wanted to see the whole thing completely and with more focus), I would like an answer to this: When Kermit is thrown into the Russian prison because they think he is Constantine, at first they are calling him Constantine but eventually even Nadya calls him Kermit. Why? If they believe he is Kermit, wouldn't they then release him? In fact, Nadya even shows Kermit the Muppets on tour and says something to him about it, so she has to believe Kermit is telling the truth.
If the idea is that they think, "Okay, he wants to be called Kermit, fine, we'll call him that," then have a line that says that.


It's out of Nadya's hands. She explains when she puts Kermit in his cell for the first time:

"As far as authorities are concerned, you are Constantine. Glue or no glue."

My question is, how does the gulag even exist when Constantine blew it up in his opening scene?


Why is it out of her hands? She runs the place, right? And I can answer your question (thanks for responding, by the way). They probably rebuilt it. Just because you blow something up, doesn't mean it can't be rebuilt.


She doesn't run the place, the state does. She even sings about it:

"This is Russia's premiere state funded hotel."

Once a judge has issued the sentence, a governor (again the state) has executive power to reduce sentencing after the inmate has served X amount of time of their term. And if you're expecting me to buy your rebuilding of the gulag (in what-- a week?) theory, you're gonna have to sell somewhere else, man. Even in a Muppet movie, that was a ridiculous error.


Oh, I get it. Just like in this country. But there were errors galore in this film.


Ever heard of Captain Alfred Dreyfuss? That was a real life incident where the guy was kept in prison even after everyone knew he was innocent.


No, I haven't. I'll have to look it up. Was this our country? If so, shame on our asses.


It was a French scandal which almost collapsed their government when the secret got out.


You're overthinking a Muppet movie.

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."
