Crohn's is not a joke

Really disappointed by the writers belittleing of Crohn's disease. You wouldn't see them saying the same about breast cancer... just because its name is funny to say, its nothing to joke about.


I agree. No need to make it the butt of a joke.


Excellent work.


I don't think it had to do with the name sounding funny to say. I think it's because so many who self-diagnose via Internet searches come up with Crohns as their possible diagnosis. Not to say it's anything to joke about, but I don't think they were making light of it.

If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.



You americans and your silly "defense mechanism"...To be honest, a little while ago,i myself thought i had Crohn's disease because of what i saw on the internet.The bit was hilarious for me because of that.
