MovieChat Forums > Contracted (2013) Discussion > Is everyone dumb and blind in this movie...

Is everyone dumb and blind in this movie?


I saw this last night, for me it was lost time, my two cents is that this movie was very bad.

I very much wondered how stupid, dumb and blind were all the characters in the movie.

First of all the girl didnt panicked when starting to have those horrible symptoms. She was throwing up blod, she had her eyes in blood, her hair started to fall, veins became visible and strange in color, she had that herpes thing on her mouth and she only seen on hell of a doctor.

Why she didnt run to the ER? Cause she was so dumb that she ignored those serious symptoms.

Second, the guy that was hitting on her was so dumb that he kissed and f...ed that half dead girl. He didnt saw her eyes? He just kissed her right on that gangrened mouth.

Third, her girfriends were so dumb that the didnt notcied her fingernail and her body being seriously changed?

Forth, the owner of the restaurant, her colleagues, her mother and anyone else in this movie was so dumb and ignorant.

Very bad, movie with fools.


I think that movie is ok, but people do act stupid. She obviously thought she was invincible and that is really nothing seriously wrong with her. Like I said, there are seriously stupid people in this world.


Oh, you have very bad pink-eye? Please keep serving food to my customers.

"I know I will kill someday" Crazy Bee


I found it hard to get in to once I realized the premise of this movie is built on stupidity. Not just regular stupidity, but the kind where you feel no sympathy for what the character is going through because it's just so over-the-top.

When the reason why she does not want to check in once more symptoms appear is so her ex-gf doesn't know she slept with a man, you just have to roll your eyes and accept that this is going to be one of 'those' movies which make the teens in any Jason movie look like members of Mensa.

This should have been chopped down to a 30 minute short, tops, especially where it's centered around one person rather than a group.


Agreed. But what disturbs me (not in the way I like to be disturbed by a horror movie) is that the tagline says the sexual encounter which lead to Samantha's nightmare was the result of a "one night stand." But in the film, when the infected person begins to have sex with Samantha, the way she keeps saying "no, no" suggests that this is a rape. Movie, which is it?! Because if it IS the one night stand scenario and she doesn't seek help because she's afraid her girlfriend will find out she's been with a man, then yes, it is simply incredibly stupid. But if it's a rape, then it gets a lot more complicated. Some rape victims don't cry rape, no matter what the consequences to themselves or others. So it would still, obviously, be stupid to hide the truth when her body begins to deteriorate as it does, but because of the social stigma attached to victims of these crimes, we'd at least have a slight understanding about why she didn't speak up. Then the filmmakers might have even had an interesting premise ("a rape victim doesn't speak out even as she transforms into a zombie"). But that's not the only thing wrong with this movie as others have pointed out. I don't know if there was some miscommunication between the director and the marketing people or what, but if you tell us one thing and we see (or in this case HEAR) another different thing, it leaves a lot of disturbing questions unanswered.


I wanted her to just keel over and die as soon as she refused to go to the hospital when she was shooting blood from eyes, mouth and vagina. Her mom was useless, her friends were making out with her disease infected mouth and humping her maggots.

Honestly, they all needed to disappear. To be this stupid and alive is dangerous for everyone they can possibly come into contact with.

"We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on." Albus Dumbledore


yup..well...they all did die. i'm hoping the guy who screwed her at the end dies too! yay for death for the stupid!


I agree!!

"We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on." Albus Dumbledore


For some reason this is the best thing I've read on this board. I don't know, it just cracked me up. I totally agree with you! Why worry about zombies when the human race as presented in this film is clearly sub-par when it comes to brains?

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


I LOL'd... this needs to become a figure of speech. "Dude, quit humping my maggots!"


I was quite enjoying the film up until her symptoms started getting so bad that any sane person would go to ER ASAP but she didn't. It also really got to me that everyone else was insane too. No one going to mention her black teeth? No? Just kiss her instead, sure why not? Her killing Nikki/Alice was *beep* stupid and Riley must have been real desperate to ignore her rotten mouth and weird eyes. Her boss was a *beep* idiot too.

Also a shame that they didn't really explain BJ, why the police were after him and how he had not suffered the same, after shagging a corpse with a hazardous symbol toe-tag.

I sighed when the end of the movie revealed it to be a zombie movie. It was an original premise that I liked the sound of, but as soon as it becomes clear its basically the start of a zombie outbreak, it ruins what good there still was.


Having dealt with former/current drug addicts in my line of work, I can tell you that there are definitely people that are irresponsible as her. That's how they become drug addicts in the first place. Giving in to their base desires, having no self control, no discipline, having delusions about their current state.

This is why her character is believable. There are literally a lot of people like her that wouldn't go to the ER even with the symptoms in that movie.


This is why her character is believable. There are literally a lot of people like her that wouldn't go to the ER even with the symptoms in that movie.

I get her not going to the ER because she was afraid or just stupid, but I do not get all the people she saw being so dumb and blind.

The Dr. was the worst, he did not take her blood pressure after saying her heart rate was slow, he did not fully exam her after seeing the rash, he did not have her quarantined after the second visit.

Her boss allowing her to serve food when she said I have pink eye a highly contagious disease and still making her stay until her shift could be covered...really.

I don't get her friends looking at her and not thinking WTF and demanding she go to the ER. She did not look like she was on drugs, she looked like she was dead. If she had maggots in her she would have smelled really bad.

Her mother touched her when she said the water was cold when it was scalding but made no mention of that fact that her daughter must have been cold to the touch.

The guy having sex with her was just way too stupid for words, really...I mean really, he didn't see her face or smell her dead maggot flesh.

Like other's have said it started out good but when the movie relied on every person she came in contact with to be dumb as a box of rocks, it failed.


I agree. I'm pretty kind when ratings movies, but I gave this 1/10.


griffon, i agree w/ you. denial is very powerful. i had a friend who had symptomatic AIDS and he was in total denial about his symptoms. it DOES happen.


Yes. Everyone was dumb and blind.

IMO, the dumbest person in the movie was the doctor. On her second visit, he should've known something was seriously wrong. Yet he let her go back into the world and told her to avoid contact with people. If the fool had done his job properly, he would've end up calling CDC.


I totally agree with you.
Most people would have run to the doctor after any of those symptoms. I kept saying to my husband "OMG I would be at the ER if that happened" and "EW can't anyone else see that giant herpe on her face??!!"
TWO people were okay with making out with her looking like freakin way.
At the very least she would have been on WebMD trying to find out what the hell was going on

This movie had promise...I was so hoping it would be good...and then it just wasn't.
The fact that the writer/director expects us to fill in the so many blanks. And left so many questions unanswered...what was "BJ" doing with that corpse, was he infected or just spreading disease, what happened to Riley? What happened to Sam? What happened to her mom? What the hell was wrong with her?


Really I was surprised by how much they acted exactly like the students I see at my university.


I think the point is, regardless of what she was thinking or not doing those AROUND her were completely oblivious and dumb. I think only one person mentioned in passing that she should go to the hospital and that was Alice I believe who was (or at least seemed) to be tipsy. The creeper dude suggested taking her but I took that as him trying to figure out a way to get in her pants and stay close to her.

Even that THERAPIST or whatever that dude was, who saw her at her complete worst when she snatched off her shades and screamed and had that weird blank eye thing going on (what was up with that anyway?!? It kept moving from being bloodied in one scene and paled out in another). But therapist guy just dropped dueces and vamonosed out of there like his car was on fire.

Don't even get me started on her mother who was living right there under the same roof with her. You can't tell me she wouldn't have been super nosey and checking her daughter's bathroom or seeing all that blood or SMELLING death in there...and okay, maybe she missed it BUT WHEN SHE SAW THE BURNS ON HER DAUGHTER FROM THE HOT WATER?!? Mom was an idiot. Everyone around her was oblivious.
