Digital Distortion?

Are there some scenes where the image is digitally distorted and sound effects as well to simulate her perception? Or is there some problem with my DVD?

I'm not talking about the scenes where her vision is blurred; there were a couple other scenes where it happened - the key one being when she was driving in the car after having sex with Riley.


I don't remember any other scenes that are distorted other than being blurry. Sam starts hearing really high pitched and weird noises when she goes to work. It's very obvious that she is hearing them so that's probably not a scene you're referring to. But the scene you mentioned DOES have Sam hearing very high pitched noises again. Once she collapses onto the steering wheel, the image of her begins flashing very very quickly (the best way I can describe it is being like a strobe light). So if that's what you saw, it's definitely supposed to be that way. Hope that helps :)
