
They'll do anything to make a dollar.

Jean Shepherd has been dead for over 10 years, so I guess the vultures have arrived. I can't wait to see how they bastardize his work. Shep is easily on par with Mark Twain as a contemporary cultural analyst; <sarc> I'm sure the producers will capture all of his keen insights to the human condition in The United States and abroad </sarc>.

The charm of the Jean Shepherd films was HIS NARRATIVE - HIS VOICE. How the hell are they going to do this? Digitally edit clips from his radio show?

This whole idea makes me ill, but like any true fan, I'll check it out.


On the bright side, this film is *supposed* to be based on Shepherd's memoirs. Let's hope that's the case! At least something of value can be salvaged from this impending train wreck.
