stars of film tell all

First Asta and Catherine talked about their new “Nuke’em High” movie BduyEQpIAAA9AEKthat opens at the Leammle Noho this weekend. Let’s all go to the Friday Midnight showing! This was a fun show to do. I got to meet a couple of actual listeners. The scene was fun. Downstairs at a bar on the edge of China Town.

Live at the NYC Podfest – BduxnfDIgAACFP8 Guests: Christian Finnegan (Late Late Show) Mike C. Williams (Blair Witch Project) Asta Paredes & Catherine Corcoran (Return to Nuke’Em High) Robert Prichard (Class of Nuke Em High) and music from Ben Lerman. Of course, hosted by me, Adam Spiegelman (Proudly Resents). I’m the one behind the laptop.
