Favorite Lines

Mine is at 40:00, he walks by a guy with his shirt open and chest showing:

"Button up my friend. Button up."

So condescending/obsessive/a-holish/awesome.


LOL, the was great. "I see that my suggestion went unheeded", "That kid could be a city counsel man, or at the very least a dentist", "I wonder if she'll let me date other people"

"For dark is the suede that mows like a harvest"


"I see that my suggestion went unheeded" hahahaha


I liked when he said to Live Schreiber he could've taken two balls...

When you're not concerned with succeeding, you can work with complete freedom.


lol ya and right after that Liev goes "I want for you now to stop _all_ talking" xD xD
Also "When I'm on Price is Right and they bring out the detonator..."


You aren't firing Rolly!
Rolly has helped me with the ectoplasmatic tubes, the heat hasn't worked since I came to this house... we can't even find the flajillator!
Silly, but funny to me because of the sincerity with which it's said.

