MovieChat Forums > Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp (2012) Discussion > This is the end of western civilization ...

This is the end of western civilization as we know it.

That's it. I mean, THAT is IT.
I cannot wrap my mind around the idea that, if by some reason, you win the universal lottery and are born a conservative, family values politician's daughter, then have a child out of wedlock, you can be a celebrity. What are we supposed to be celebrating, here?

Coming Soon... The December Man


And don't you love the irony that she's the poster child for abstinence-only education? Maybe if someone had taught her about birth control she wouldn't be in this position now!


Yeah except in her mind, she thinks she's this advocate hero for all single teenage mothers everywhere. Uh no...that position is for mothers who actually worked hard for their kids and didn't rely on their mother's celebrity status or a contract with a reality show, thank you very much.


I wholeheartedly agree OP!

"What do you say to the God of Death?"
"Not today!"


Let's see a reality show about a young mom who made a mistake and is dealing with it with the support of her loving family; or The Jersey Shore...
Yeah civilization ended years before Bristol came a long.
I'm not reading your manifesto, keep your damn posts short!


If that's what this show was about, I could actually get behind that. From the few clips that I've seen, that's NOT what this show is about.

BTW, love the sig.

"What do you say to the God of Death?"
"Not today!"


The show is to show that parenting is HARD and that it isn't something to strive for. And guess what. Teen pregnancy has decreased in this country since 2007

Also, it's not like she's EVER considered herself a celebrity. She's had a REAL job since he was born
