
I really didn't know what to make of this show when I started watching the first episode, but after completing the first episode I thought it was a well made drama with pretty good writing and acting. The end of the first episode seemed a bit rushed since I guess each episode will be self-contained, but overall I enjoyed it.


I couldn't agree more, this show is really impressive & way better than most shows on TV these days.


I am another impressed viewer of this series, and am about to catch up on the most recent ep on ABC iView. I am impressed by the production values, indicating that $$$ was spent on this. It's so good to see so many talented aboriginal actors getting their faces on the screen, and showing us what they are capable of.

I felt in the episode about the boy who had won a scholarship to the school that the script was somewhat heavy handed (and TBH, showed signs of Jimmy McGovern's touch, himself the script producer.) and simplistic. I am also aware that the boy's refusal to stand for the national anthem was symbolic. I never stand for Advance Australia Fair. It is far too funereal to be an anthem. Musically it is rubbish, and the words are mawkish and out-dated.

I love the format, which is the same format used in Jimmy McGovern's wonderful series, "The Street". It is a perfect format for this kind of story-telling.


In many ways the most unrealistic portrayal of Aboriginal people I've ever seen on the screen - how may can afford to live in multi-million dollar inner-city Sydney terraces? Have the writers seen how many of them actually DO live?

On the other hand though, some are able to rise above entrenched disadvantage so in a way this show does a bit to dispel the stereotype.
