Awful Pilot

Wow, the Pilot sucked, IMO.

The first episode was not funny and borderline creepy the way "Crash" came off. He's running around with real samurai swords in a house full of little kids? This is supposed to be funny?

By the way, this isn't an original concept by any means. I reminds me of "Alf" more than "Cousin Skeeter" because of Crash's obnoxious and rude behavior... But unlike Alf, there was nothing likable about Crash at all, IMO. He was just rude and obnoxious for the sake of it.

I realize tween boys will probably like it, but this is one show I think Disney should scrap ASAP before the parents groups get all over them for some of the content depicted in the Pilot alone e.g. chocolate milkshakes going "through" Crash and looking like diarrhea!


I thought it might be fun, the kind of show I would enjoy watching with me nephew and nieces. But it was really a lot worse than I thought it would be. The commercial with the Most Interesting Puppet in the world was funny! But the acting and writing just seemed lacking to me. Oh well, there are tons of other shows to watch! And I'm sure I might see more of this when I visit my brother's house.


The big problem is I think show is trying to be too "edgy" when it should just be a show about a boy and his puppet.

It is obvious the producers are trying to make Crash "cool" to appeal to tween boys and this translates into him being rude, obnoxious and annoying and not in a endearing sort of way like Alf, and other characters are supposed to be.

I realize most pilots are rough around the edges, but they make you want to keep watching the next few episodes at least. This was just awful all around (acting, story) and I have no desire to see any more episodes, unfortunately...


I liked it, there was some stuff here and there but I'm gonna continue watching. We'll see at the end of the month.

Esta es mi firma



I didn't see the show until a couple months into the 1st season. and i find it pretty funny, but you have to realize, this is fiction. Muppets are possible in their world, not ours. No one thinks it wierd for a Muppet to be alive. That said, I finally saw the pilot a day or two ago, and it was BS. They did calm Crash's sword antics down, but they could've easily substituted sword with paint ball gun. That would have been awesome and twice as destructive without being deadly.

I found the sword was too much, but a paintball gun would still make everyone hate Crash. Oustide of that its a decent show, Let's not overthink a Muppet show because from the looks of it, the writer don't overthink, but they should at least think sometimes. For what its worth, I bet it's doing better than whatever Nick is cranking out right now. Not that it's saying much, and its better than Pair of Kings, IMO
