Uptight A$$holes

What is it with everyone bagging on this movie as being crap. Get over yourselves please. See this movie and take it for what it is... FUN! Heck, the portrayals are funny as hell, especially DeNiro who is spot on and a total riot - the scene where he breaks down after "Tom" gets kidnapped was gold. And speaking of "Tom" - that guy played it to a Tee. Probably the weakest portrayal was the guy playing Clooney because he didn't seem to have mastered the real Clooney's cheesy mannerisms. But overall this movie is radical fun... which is what the filmmakers intended. And how many big studio movies can actually claim to have achieved what they intended? Not many, that's how many. Well done Mr. Ferrari and players! I loved it.


Where do you find this movie to watch?
