MovieChat Forums > The Battery (2013) Discussion > Best zombie movie soundtrack....ever?

Best zombie movie soundtrack....ever?

I can't think of another straight zombie movie that has such a strong soundtrack. Every song in this movie was not only great, but was used fantastically. I loved just about everything about the movie, the music being only one of the things that really stood out to me. Any other zombie movies with great soundtracks?


I liked the soundtrack for 28 Days Later, although I couldn't really compare that soundtrack to this one. I think they're both great for their own reasons.


I agree 100% I am a movie composer as well so I always look (listen) intently to soundtracks. This was great!!


I loved this movie and the soundtrack was awesome but the music in Trailer park of terror was better


"They can take our bones..." full soundtrack.


The soundtrack was amazing. "Shazammed" what could be shazammed and found the rest. Just excellent. The movie was good but what stood out was, apart from the soundtrack, was Jeremy Gardner (No I hadn't heard of him before) and his script. You just know this is like a boyhood dream of his making a zombie movie with his favorite music... aaaaand I love it.



The soundtrack to this movie was fantastic.

I also love the music in Return of the Living Dead.


Sorry to sound like a purist, but as much as I enjoyed the Battery and it's soundtrack, Dawn of the Dead and the Beyond have some terrific soundtracks. And I have a soft spot for the Zombi 2 score (one of my cats always leaves the room whenever I play the main theme. No joke).

50 Greatest Zombie Movies -


Not for me. That honor goes to The Return of the Living Dead.

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