MovieChat Forums > Forsaken (2016) Discussion > Am I the only one...(SPOILERS!!!)

Am I the only one...(SPOILERS!!!)

...Who was pleasantly surprised when Dave (dude the The Crow) didn't turn out to be a bad guy?

I've always liked him since The Crow and was happy he wasn't SUCH a bad guy! I was worried he'd have the shoot out with Keifer but nope...he walked away peacefully!


I was!!! But you gotta give credit to the writer when young Sutherland waks upstairs and takes out the REAL bad guy - the land grabber who hired the gun to begin with .... - "looks like you are no longer gainfully employed" LOLOL then picks up that big ass hog leg and walks away - I was pleasantly surprised KS wasn't shot in the back but then again no self respecting gun slinger would do that - now would they?


Best part of the movie was Dave the gunslinger. Glad he survived. This movie was just ok for me. Very slow. I gave it a 5.


Totally agree with OP. He was a great character, tastefully depicted.

I cannot fathom the low reviews for this film. I feel like they must have been watching some other film. Loved it.


I liked him too.


its kinda funny, in his first scene, kind took his passive/politeness as "oh god, gonna break into his every other character vibe and go a little nuts" but then he turned out to be one of the best characters, even though he was only in like 4-5 scenes


Thought he was pretty much a 5th wheel. Looked bad to me -- both bad in the good sense and bad in the bad sense. Thought nothing of running off sod busters and responsible for one sodbusters death.

But he did talk pretty.
