Novices in a lab

Gross! I hit pause and I kid you not, the "cellular structure" organism growing out of the moon rock looks like it is made up of fried eggs, raw chicken, and melted Brie, sprinkled with raw egg yolks. Sadly, I enjoyed some melted Brie yesterday but definitely won't today!

Also, their lab techniques are ridiculously sloppy. Why is it SO easy for people in movies to cut themselves on broken glass, especially through latex gloves? Not to mention, he's got the rocks in a sealed examination hood but they're not in hazmat suits and the cell samples are just floating about the lab in Petri dishes and centrifuges all willy nilly? Wow.


I totally agree, I would never show this movie to a microbiologist


nah-this movie's an insult even to a burger-flipping fast food employee

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
