Saw the new trailer

Looks more promising than the last one. Hopefully we get to see the furious 5 against kai. Or po and his father


I saw it too. It's bad. Mr. Ping lays bunch of eggs when scared (haha, so funny). RLY? It's *MR.* Ping, so can't lay eggs, unless it's a transsexual goose, right? Is Mr. Ping a transsexual? Anyways, all gags look forced and kind of unfunny. It seems to me that writers have run out of ideas. I have quite enjoyed first two movies but might skip this one. Oh, well...


That's not Po's adopted father that lays the eggs, he has a gray neck the duck in that scene has a black neck.


You're right idstratton, it wasn't him. Time to make doctor's appointment and check my sight.


Really like the new trailer.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)

