MovieChat Forums > Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) Discussion > Why are Shifu and the Furious Five so we...

Why are Shifu and the Furious Five so weak now?

It was like watching Legends of Awesomeness, where everyone is inferior to Po, who is a rising star.

Shifu could hold his own against Tai Lung, and here he was smacked away by Tai like a fly.

Wtf is with Tigess? She's so soft and dresses prettily here. Where's the hard core? Also, Angelina's VA work was terrible.

Viper is just there to make gasping noises and dodge rocks. Monkey was too dumb to let go of Jade Mantis. Mantis and Crane were easily knocked down like they were a couple of rookies.

Even Oogway was helpless against Tai. Freakin' Oogway the unstoppable. And yet Po figures out how to beat Tai. He's either an overnight genious or is now a Gary Stu.


I think Kai found a big pile of Plot armor and Plot weapons and used them to turn this movie into garbage.

But yea, after the 2nd movie, this was a letdown, both in terms of character development and tone.


Oogway did tell Kai that it wasn't his destiny to stop him, he had turned that over to someone else. So no surprise. As for the weakness of Shifu and the five Kai did have the power of so many masters.

faith begins at the end of your comfort zone.


First of all, you meant "Kai", right?

General Kai?

Anyway, no, the main reason why the Five were so easily defeated by Kai was because, simply put, every time he takes away somebody's chi, he grows stronger. Besides, he literally spent 500 years in the Spirit Realm fighting, defeating, and then literally stealing all of the "passed"-Master's chi.

Oogway was the main reason why Kai was in there, in the first place.

He banished him after their duel, 500 years ago.

Hell, just the fact that he could actually "steal" chi should be the main reason why he could, easily, defeat the Five, and steal their's. Simply put, he's a dude born with eerie, supernatural powers, and they are all just simple, "natural"-born mortals.

Easily defeatable by a "Spirit-Warrior".

Tigress's new costume design is actually based on concept artwork by Nico Marlet from way back in the first film. The long-sleeved shirt was actually supposed to be her first costume, but, remember, the technology couldn't actually simulate cloth moving on fur, hair, or, for Lord Shen's case, plumage.

But, cut to about eight years later, the technology can, now, do what was literally impossible, eight years prior.

Plus, one could argue that that's actually a sign of Tigress's character development. She's still the hardcore Master, but, she's learning to be more "soft", and, by "soft", I mean opening herself up more, and the flower on her first shirt has now, completely, blossomed in this new one. Now, she's still hardcore, BUT, she's becoming a bit more "positive", as every film passes.

Actually, I just think it's due to new technological advances in the art of computer animation. But I digress.

Shifu almost got Kai, but got distracted when he saw Oogway's medallion around his (Kai's) neck.

Oogway could've defeated Kai in the Spirit Realm again, but, a.) he was already snagged in Kai's chains, and b.) he just gave up, knowing that Po, the "Dragon Warrior" of prophecy, plus being a giant panda, himself, would defeat Kai.

Finally, are you freaking nuts, man? The only reason why Po was able to defeat Kai was because everybody, from Tigress to Mr. Ping, lent their chi to Po, allowing him to break free from Kai's grip, and become a "True Master of Chi".

And, finally, were you texting in the theatre? Because, buddy, you are waaaaay off.
