This one was bad!

I don't wanna be defensive and as much as I hate to say this but this movie wasn't at par with the first two and disappointing. Writing is lazy,no thrill, no fun. LOoks like they made it just for the sake of adding another movie to the franchise.


I felt that way about the latest Star Wars movie. It didn't add anything new. But I completely disagree about the third part of Kung Fu Panda. I felt it was on par, the writing was excellent, I enjoyed every moment. If anything, I enjoy this more than I did the other two. Everyone sees things differently....


As much as I love Po and the Kung Fu Panda franchise, I have to agree with you. The first one was epic, the second one was pretty good, but this one? The third movie disappointed me so bad, and I felt like it didn't belong with the other two.

(This is only my opinion, what the movie felt like for me, knowing that not everyone (the first reply-er being a good example) shares the same opinions/humor/likes, and just like I didn't like it, there might be many people that did liked it)
The jokes weren't funny (at least for me, they weren't), Tigress and the others were barely there always in the background (I get that Po is the MC but in both movies, the first and second, Tigress and the others (although few) had important scenes, significant participation. In this movie it seems like they used them only to joke around, appear in the background, and nothing else), the jokes (again, not funny for me) seemed dumb or really childish, the whole movie seemed like it was more fanfiction than film, finding Po's father and family, becoming a teacher/master, and hey! Yeah, let's just add a big bad enemy for the sake of it, whatever. It all felt more like a really long short-film (like the ones Pixar do only for fun and joking around) than a full-lenght movie. The first and second movie, although comedy-indused and funny, had a serious tone, they had deep and serious moments, they seemed more mature than... this one. The third movie, instead,... it seemed childish, joking around the almost two hours of the film, without a trace of seriousness (I know, it's a movie for children, but read my opinion about the first and second?) I tried to like the movie, I really did, but it fell flat next to the others.

I was and still am hugely disappointed in this film. I expected so much more. :( The only thing I did like was the Female Panda with the lass/ropes kinda thing? (English's not my first language, don't remember how the ropes are called) She was amazing. And also, I really loved the background music when the bad guy appeared or was in the spotlight. I loved it, and would love to know how it's called or where could I listen to it again.


I agree, but I felt the second was slightly stronger than the first, thanks to a much better fleshed-out villain. This third installment, with a weak villain and far too much focus on comedy, and not quite enough on heart, not to mention feeling rushed, just doesn't work as well for me.


I found this one very enjoyable and thought it brought a lot more to the franchise. Often times we see protagonist(s) achieve great powe with their teacher's help and just keep learning from there. In this one, the student finally becomes a teacher and it's something I haven't really seen before.
Yes the focus wasn't always entirely on that, but it still built on Po learning who he is and learning how to balance everything so he could find out what his full style was. As Shifu demonstrates, one never stops learning from others and even Oogway is still adding to his knowledge. Also, Ping and Li are learning how to accept each other as Po's dual family, the Panda village is learning how to defend themselves, the Five are learning how to adjust to Po as a teacher. Everyone is on a journey to discover themselves and learn, and they are all doing it together.

The comedy worked really well with me, though I admit one or two didn't really make me chuckle, and I was glued to my seat from beginning to end.


It felt exhausting towards the end. The final battle was dragged out a bit too much and it's emotional value seemed contrived. The pacing was also irregular, it felt like there was too much of the same thing despite the movie being only like 70 minutes long. I really loved the panda training sequence though.

The first was a classic, the second a very good imitation, while this one was ok. They've really stretched the story, I don't know how they're gonna go about making another 3 movies.


Not that this one was bad but it was average. Like the Peanuts Movie, it butchered a decent franchise with anticlimatic action sequences and poor characterizations.

I hope that there is an Evangelion video game where you can beat Asuka up!


How was the Peanut movie butchered?
