MovieChat Forums > Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) Discussion > Is there cursing in this movie?

Is there cursing in this movie?

I keep seeing this preview of the movie when I am watching other programs on On Demand. They says something that sounds like "sh*t shack" 3 times and that's supposed to be funny? This is a kid's movie right?


No, there is no cursing. Perhaps you need to get your prudish ears checked?


Every time I go to On-Demand I hear this section and it pisses me off. It's like they are purposely saying it knowing it sounds like Sh*t shack. Why else would they say it 3 or 4 times? If it's not a curse then what are they saying?


I have no idea what that is. There isn't any cursing in the movie.

*Edit* Did you mean this? They're saying CHIT CHAT, which means filler talk. It's not swearing.


there is a definite accent and emphasis on an "S" and not a "C" when Jack Black says "chit" then. The word he is saying is "sh*t" sorry for cursing but it is obvious. Why they had to add it in I guess is for the adults that will have to sit through the movie to watch with the kids, but it adds nothing to the movie and kind of interjects the wrong stuff into kids at an early age. Way to go Hollywood. Try to keep it cleaner in KFP4 next time.


You want to know what makes me mad? People who make things up and then insist and persist with their delusions, despite all evidence to the contrary.

They did NOT add it - you are hearing it because, for some unexplained reason, that's where your mind goes. They are NOT trying to "slip one in" - it's not how that studio rolls and the employees there are happy, unlike a certain studio in the past which lead to lewd images craftily worked into their animations.

In this scene, Po is mocking the antagonist as the antagonist threatens him.



yes that is the scene I'm talking about. Read the comments on Youtube. A lot of other people hear it too. They say it sounds like "Sh*t Sh*at" which it does more than what I originally posted. When he says sh*tty, sh*tty sh*t shat it is obvious he means what I say as who has ever said chitty before? The answer is no one. People do however always say sh*tty. This was a not so subtle sub conscious tactic and for people not to see it, just means they have dumbed you down so far already you are oblivious. You are dumb sheep, keep taking your kids to get manipulated by Disney/ Pixar. You should think twice seriously. All of you.


This was a not so subtle sub conscious tactic and for people not to see it, just means they have dumbed you down so far already you are oblivious. You are dumb sheep, keep taking your kids to get manipulated by Disney/ Pixar. You should think twice seriously. All of you.
Woah! Ok, now I get it. I see which way the wind blows here. You don't like being wrong, so you go on the attack?

who has ever said chitty before?
Why wouldn't he say "chitty"? He was mocking the antagonist, saying he talked too much and all he said was chit chat. It's very (VERY) common to take adjectives and add a "y" to the end of them for emphasis when the expression is being used frequently and quickly. You've seriously never heard this before?


ask yourself this: why on earth would they say "sh*t shack"? what does that even mean? it's "chit chat," a very common phrase


He said "chit chat"


who has ever said chitty before?

I have said chitty many times. Every time I watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and sing along. And people hear what they want to hear. I did not hear what you claim to have heard. He said chitty chat, but you are looking for things that aren't even there.
