MovieChat Forums > Drinking Buddies (2013) Discussion > Most boring movie in history?

Most boring movie in history?

This was totally painfully boring. Just awful.


No thats gravity by far


Not the most boring movie in history. But it was pointless and there was no reason to care about the characters. A waste of time, no reward. Good movie title though. Think of all the better movies you could have come up with called Drinking Buddies!

Tha Hot Girlz -- THE99 And 4 Eva!


I wouldn't say it was pointless, and what is boring is obviously subjective. But if you were expecting comedic hijinks and zany college buddy adventures from that title, then you need to open your mind up a bit more.

It can mean all those things - but it doesn't necessarily have to.



Right. The really interesting stuff for me was all the really subtle stuff in the conversations and body language. For example, in the very last shot, all that happened was that Kate offers Luke a banana, he throws it away, and she says "Hm"; but there was so much being said, even though the conversation contained a single utterance. It only works if you like that sort of thing.

And for the record, the most boring movie in history has to be "The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach" ( I'll put that snoozer up against any movie anyone cares to offer.


You won't enjoy many movies if you find both Gravity and drinking buddies boring.

Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today.


Movie was just garbage. Don't bother trying to save it. Fake hipster dialogue about nothing.




I didn't find it boring. I think it progressed well. I could relate to a lot of it so I think that helped.


Probably. So I'm watching it right now and in the first 30 minutes literally nothing interesting or important has happened so far. Sure, there are some subtle interactions with a meaning. But well, if I want to see normal people doing extremely ordinary things and having extremely normal/boring interactions, I have real life. I don't really need a movie about that.

Watching strangers in a bar or on the street is probably interesting to some people as well, but I wouldnt do it for 90 minutes and paying for it.


The first 30 minutes is boring, probably because of the 'standard script structure' that we get used to in Hollywood films, where a few minutes in we are presented with a crisis.

In this film there is not much crisis for a long time............. but once we get to the crisis, well, me personally, I watched the whole image I'd built up in my mind of these people in the first part of the movie, become completely obliterated by the last part of the movie. Thats one thing that made it so fascinating. It's like you started with a microbrew TV commercial and wind up at the end with this incredibly deep, heartbreakingly emotional study of character.



I also thought the structure of the story in 2/3 of the movie was pretty standard.
When they go to the cabin it is pretty obvious that Jill and Chris are pretty compatible. So, it's no surprise that they kiss in the woods.
And Luke and Kate get along very well and so it made sense that Luke was jealous when Kate went with another guy and that Kate slept along side of Luke.

The only change from the standard story path is that Chris did not continue to pursue Jill.
And after her Costa Rica trip she is more devoted to Luke and he responds to that and is more connected to her.
So, because Luke isn't available, Kate and Luke don't end up together and that is the only change from this kind of romance plot.

* I don't think the movie is boring.
Still it was slow. It had almost a documentary kind of pace which I guess the writer thought was artsy.

But overall it was OK because the actors were good. The dialogue seemed improvised and the actors did a good job with it.
And seeing the cabin and people working at a brewery was enjoyable. For me.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


It's up there. Improvised dialogue was a BIG mistake!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Not most, but it is a serious contender.


THANKS for the warning... I delete the copy I had downloaded.


I was excited to see this movie because of the plot ... When I started watching it ... I was like what is this thing is this the movie for real?
I didnt even finish the movie with attention , because I just couldnt focus.. This is how bad it is
