MovieChat Forums > The Medic Discussion > It just isn't right!

It just isn't right!

I was looking forward to this movie because it was supposedly a Canadian story but it was definitely an E-Movie, I couldn't even say it was a B-Movie. This movie had some absolute crap acting in it and the costume department got so many things wrong. The CADPAT uniforms were obviously fake, The Flak jackets were designed to look like CADPAT but made in an American style, The Canadian Flags on the right shoulder were way to big and not in combat green. Rank insignia were worn on the left shoulder where CBRN paper goes and they were held on by Velcro. Canadian soldiers wear their rank on slip-ons epaulette style in the center of the chest on the combat shirt or on the center chest of the utility vest. Also Canadian Dog tags are one piece not two like the American style shown. The Gas mask used in the movie looked like it was vintage from WW2. The WO with the special package wearing an afghani scarf is unlikely in domestic combat. The sights on the weapons were all wrong, and the SAT phone looked like the landline portable phone I have in my kitchen. The ALIEN Brain/Soul looked like a football made out of shrink wrap and crumpled up packing paper.
The first time you see a sqiddy (alien) when the WO pumps three grenades at it I was embarrest to say this was a Canadian production. I mean a rubber mask and a bit of goo do not an alien make....Really... I am sure that any real Canadian soldier that sees this movie is thinking OMG what a farce and shuts it off no more than 5 minutes in to it. What a disappointment and waste of time.


One of the worst movies ever made. So bad that I could only watch it for a 1/2 hour with each minute hoping it would get better but it got kept on getting worst. Never did see the aliens just a bunch of Canadian soldiers exchanging cheesy and cliché statements, wandering around aimlessly accomplishing nothing. Just awful.


A hopeless film as for much of it (if not most of it) nothing could really be seen on screen at all as it was just so dark - it would appear to make a potentially good radio play (it would be just as easy to see things on the radio as it was for much of this film). The aliens were laughable and hardly ever seen. The plot was thin and the whole affair pretty diabolical. The acting, such as I could see, was OK. This is a film to avoid for all but the most desperate.


One of the worst movies I've seen and I've seen some bad movies
