
Wonder why Vic Reeves has gone back to using his real name (Jim Moir) in this. We all know he's Vic Reeves, so why change now?


Vic Reeves was created as an alter-ego comedic character for his stage show, which was quickly put onto TV. He has used his real name before when acting, for example when he was in Eric & Ernie last year. Even his autobiography is called Me-moir, which is an excellent read.


Also, I think everyone calls him Jim anyway. You used to hear Bob Mortimer ocassionally refer to him as Jim even on Shooting Stars, whether by mistake or not. Mostly he'd state "Vic" but you would hear Bob call him Jim too. And on other shows I'm sure Mark Lamarr and others refer to him as Jim.

Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer
