
Why do they have Makem accents? I'm Hebburn born and bred and the only people I know who talk like they do are from Sunderland and Cleveland (or whatever is called now!)


Yep I agree, Im from Houghton le spring. Got family live in hebburn, it's a lot thicker accent there than sunderland. Doesn't sound right. Although got to admitt it's funny


erm... do ya think anyone'll understand them like if they were from hebburn?


Because of the lack of actors from Hebburn, people who aren't from there have to play the parts, and so do the accent as best as they can.

reply ya think anyone'll understand them if they were from hebburn?


Actually after spending the last ten years or so in the west end of Newcastle, I have to say that listening to the Hebburn accents on visits back home I am surprised at how gentle it is. They are not hard to understand and are rarely littered with colloquialisms like some parts of the north east.


No one outside of Tyne and Wear will get the difference, instead they just throw actors from all over the north east together. Happens all the time.


So.. do North Easterners really use the non-word "yous" so often? The abuse of the English language is bad enough without the BBC encouraging it by using it as though it were correct.


So.. do North Easterners really use the non-word "yous" so often? The abuse of the English language is bad enough without the BBC encouraging it by using it as though it were correct.

I agree. The last thing the BBC should do is reflect regional accents and dialects to a national audience, regardless of which demographic actually uses them.
