MovieChat Forums > The Fosters (2013) Discussion > Spinoff with Brandon at Juilliard?

Spinoff with Brandon at Juilliard?

That could be interesting and introduce a bunch of new characters. It would also officially end any hope of Callie and Brandon getting back together.


Wasnt there already talk of bringing FAME back?

As long as Brandon isnt the lead it might do well.

Im pretty sure CAllie and Brandon are done for good now anyway.


I prefer a spinoff with connor over brandon



That surly, sullen looking wide-eyed fish-face would be a horrendous main character to base a series around. It's bad enough he's in as much of The Fosters as it is!

He needs to go away and never come back!

Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.


In real life, Brandon would not be good enought to get accepted into Julliard. I went to the Performing Arts school in NYC that FAME was based on, and even the first year kids played much better than Brandon, and the ones who made Julliard were elite and already had experience playing with an orchestra as a soloist in concerts. Second, any such spinoff would be boring to most people because Julliard has a classical, not popular music, focus. Third, Brandon has no charisma to be a main character in a spinoff.


What's your problem with Brandon? Every post I seen u have some negative comment to make. Dude is talented as hell,


I've only posted on a few threads. I don't like the character for the reasons I've already mentioned, and I base my opinion about his chances of getting into Julliard on the scenes I've heard so far of him playing classical music. Compared with the kids I knew who got into Julliard, he wouldn't stand a chance. He would be better off playing in a band, which he is successful at. At any rate, I doubt that a spinoff of him at Julliard would be successful. A spinoff of him playing in a band would have a better chance.


I agree it would be boring


What's your problem with Brandon? Every post I seen u have some negative comment to make. Dude is talented as hell,

He's really, really not.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


In real life, Brandon would not be good enought to get accepted into Julliard. I went to the Performing Arts school in NYC that FAME was based on, and even the first year kids played much better than Brandon, and the ones who made Julliard were elite and already had experience playing with an orchestra as a soloist in concerts. Second, any such spinoff would be boring to most people because Julliard has a classical, not popular music, focus.

I know, right? It's ludicrous. After Glee, it's like Juilliard is the IT school for all the pseudo pop stars wannabes on tv. Please. It's a very tough school to get into, especially in the music department.

Third, Brandon has no charisma to be a main character in a spinoff.

Hey don't say that. I'm all for the spin-off. Best way to get rid of him in the Fosters and on a show that I will never watch.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Ever since I started watching the show, I've always thought it would be cool to have a spin off with Calie. Have her go to college to become a social worker and than cronical her career afterwards. I feel that could open up the door for some interesting story lines.


A spinoff with Callie is better than Brandon


Sure, have the spin-off. I won't watch it and it'll probably get cancelled, hell it might not ever even be greenlighted or even be thought of as an idea, but if it ends the Callie/Brandon relationship for good, I'm all for it.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


I don't even like watching Brandon scene on this show let alone want to see him in a spin off. He's so boring. I don't even think I could handle a Callie spin off. It'd just be her trying to save someone knew every other week.

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