MovieChat Forums > The Fosters (2013) Discussion > Why doesn't Mike like Callie?

Why doesn't Mike like Callie?

Callie said he did not like her just because he does not like her. Does anyone know why? Glad she is not upset over it though.


it's because of Brandon


Oh OK thanks.


He's been a cop for a while and has seen girls like her many times. He catches her having sex with A.J., knows she had sex with Brandon, even after a formal restraining order that could have imprisoned Brandon, probably knows about Wyatt and all the others and probably even questions her earlier claims against Liam. Callie saying Mike doesn't like her also says a lot about the way she feels about herself. There's no way she can get into Mikes head to know what he thinks, and she's really (IMO) feeling her own self loathing as much as anything else. She knows that she is a manipulative fraud. She just prances around in her little belly shirts, lol, acting superior, dissing her brother(s) and pretending to care about other people, until it doesn't serve her purpose anymore. The writers need to add some consequence to her behaviors. Maybe now that the production company has changed it's name to Freeform (dropping the "Family" moniker), we will see a change, maybe an abortion story line or a bit of Juvie time for fraud and hacking?!?


Jude is the one who needs some serious consequences for his actions. Callie has done nothing to deserve fraud charges and everything she has gotten in trouble for she did to help someone else. Jude on the other hand cares about no one but himself


because he doesn't think she's good enough for saint Brandon. which is rich coming from him considering he's been an alcoholic, absentee dad for a lot of years and the only thing Callie is guilty of is being ridiculously selfless.


the only thing Callie is guilty of is being ridiculously selfless.

Seriously? Come on now, you can't honestly believe that.


Yes. Name one thing she's done - other than Braille that hasn't been all about her helping other people? Yeah it blows up in her face most of the time and yes she should ask for help, but almost 90% of her mistakes were done because she was trying to help someone else. You can argue whether she should have gone about it in a different manner. But you can never say Callie's mistakes all came from a selfish place.

So please, tell us what she's guilty of doing that's so awful? Other than Braille.


callie is a disaster, she is a walking curse, an admission she made herself, in one years time since they brought her in that house everything has went straight to the toilet, her constant stupid actions, then turns around "im tired of people making me feel wrong" looool she is like a kardashian its only a matter of time until she destroys everything you have
Eli Manning is a POS!!
michael and prince are gone, music is officially dead


that house is a big walking disaster without her. Jesus is the only kid on the "right" path right now and thats saying something.


Please babe, take the rose colored glasses off. I know you worship Callie, but you can't be that blind to not see how that girl hasn't caused so much crap and even after that she still continues to cause problems that in turn hurt others depots whatever supposedly altruistic intentions she has. Also, from the looks of it, she is probably going to cheat on AJ with that transvestite.


Also, from the looks of it, she is probably going to cheat on AJ with that transvestite.

Hm. First "by the looks of it"? Nope.
Second, he's transgendered, dude. Not a transvestite. Google it. It's the 21st century, you'll need a little knowledge.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco



I don't think that he does not like her, it is just that he was being protective of Brandon and his feelings. Brandon is his son and Mike wants Brandon to be able to visit Mike whenever he wants to and maintain a relationship with him. Callie (a girl that Brandon still has feelings for) having sex with her boyfriend in the next room would probably make Brandon want to avoid coming over to Mike's house. That would certainly disrupt their relationship and also put a strain on Mike and AJ's relationship. It is really Callie reading into things and Mike just being protective.


Honestly I thought "Go Mike!"when he said it. Callie and AJ just need to stop while they are ahead.


Why? Because of Callie's shenanigans? If so, I agree. I have a feeling that her actions are going to cause a problem that would result in either AJ getting into trouble or Mike having to send him off somewhere.


I didn't get that he doesn't like her but more of worried for his boys. Both whom had relations with Callie. It may end up causing conflict again as it did when AJ first came into the picture and Callie was still having feelings for Brandon.

His worry is that it will bother the guys. Recall when him and Brandon came back to the house and he noticed her bra was missing (i.e. due to Brandon removing it).


I assumed it was because he views her as trouble for his sons (Brandon and AJ). Since coming into their lives she has done nothing but create conflict and trouble, it seems (great for a TV show, not so much for the characters on said show!). I think he saw what happened with Brandon--whose life seemed to get very messed up once he became involved with Callie--and worries that she's going to do the same for AJ.

So I don't think it's that he doesn't like her as much as he doesn't like what she does to his sons. That he views her as trouble and a troublemaker.

That's my take on it, anyway.

We're not playing Yellow Car.--Martin
You're always playing Yellow Car.--Arthur


Mike being judgmental of Callie is a joke. I mean he has a history of being a self-involved alcoholic who is he to criticize Callie?


who is he to criticize Callie

A concerned parent trying to protect his sons from being hurt by a inconsiderate holier than thou girl.
