MovieChat Forums > The Fosters (2013) Discussion > Is Connor off the show?

Is Connor off the show?

Will he be back this season? Is there a reason he left?

Regardless of personal feelings, Jonnor was easily the most "buzzy" part of the show. I would be surprised if he is gone for good.


Yes, Connor is off the show for good.

It's likely that there's behind the scenes drama between Hayden's and Gavin's families that forced him out.


Yes, Gavin Macintosh, the actor who plays Connor, confirmed it via Snapchat when the episode with the webcam chat aired. Popular opinion is that he and Hayden had a falling out.


Can't say if he will rtn this season but sure he will either rtn or be mentioned when Jude starts dating again.


Connor is off the show for good. You can thank the Byerlys for that :(

The show's ratings have been going way down ever since Jonnor stopped bringing in the viewers. I wouldn't be surprised if it's cancelled soon. Honestly, I don't mind anymore I don't care about the show when there's no Jonnor.


The ratings have dropped shockingly.That's crazy that story got ruined because of backstage drama.


The show's ratings have been going way down ever since Jonnor stopped bringing in the viewers

LOL oh the shippers delusion of grandeur. Nothing quite like it.

The show's ratings didn't increase in the least during that storyline. They're only dropping now because the show is getting quite ridiculous.

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