MovieChat Forums > The Fosters (2013) Discussion > Help me play a little catch-up

Help me play a little catch-up

So at the end of last season I was a little disgruntled since they made it obvious that Callie and Brandon were going to hook up. I was a lot annoyed because it went almost completely against the character traits that they had established for each of them. It was so obviously the writers' tick to force another roadbock. So I skipped the beginning of this season but then I began to miss it. I really like the premise of this show and enjoy most of it although I do think that the writers throw way too many simultaneous problems in the way of this family.

Anyway, I've come back starting at about the 5th ep and need to know a few things. Help me catch up?

1. Who is Kyle and why is Callie so invested in proving his innocence?

2. Jesus is a different actor. What happened to the old one.

3. Why is Brandon living with a slightly weird chick with an out-of-control kid who needs to be put in a time-out on a daily basis.

4. I see that Gabe is the twins father, when and how did he show up and why is Jesus so invested in him.

5. What is the story with Nick?

I might have more, but these are the most salient at this point.


2 more. Who is Jack and why does he need justice?

Do we know the backstory on the transgender guy yet?


1. Who is Kyle and why is Callie so invested in proving his innocence?

Kyle was her foster brother in one of the homes she was in. She reconnected with her foster mother from that time when she was working on her senior project taking pictures of all the homes she'd live in.
As for why she's so invested, I guess it's more about her personally. She thought he was sweet and she has good memories of him
Also Callie has a huge savior complex. I think it's because she went through a lot in the foster care system and she is carrying a lot of guilt with things that happened to her so she's trying to make up for it by saving everyone.

2. Jesus is a different actor. What happened to the old one.

There are rumors but nothing official. According to some sources, he was impossible to work with, unreliable etc and was replaced.

3. Why is Brandon living with a slightly weird chick with an out-of-control kid who needs to be put in a time-out on a daily basis.

lol I don't really see her as weird, more boring than anything but then tht fits Brandon perfectly. I guess she's the love of his life of the season and when Callie came clean about sleeping with Brandon to their Moms, he blew a fuse and left out in a huff... and went to live with his single mommy grownup girlfriend.
That dude has many issues.

4. I see that Gabe is the twins father, when and how did he show up and why is Jesus so invested in him.

lol didn't he show up last season? You missed a lot.
I have a bit of a problem with that storyline because they made it look like Jesus was missing a father figure in his life (being raised by lesbians and all) so he went out in search of his father, who turned out to be an ex-junkie on the sex offenders list ("unjustly" since he ended there because Jesus and Mariana's grandparents got him charged with statutory rape for being a couple of years older than the twins mom when she got pregnant, and under 18)

5. What is the story with Nick?

He's a mentally unstable spoiled rich kid abused by his dad. He was Mariana's 3 minutes love interest last season before she dumped him for the L'Oreal musician guy (seriously, his hair is so pretty, it's distracting) and he went nuts and brought a gun to school.

2 more. Who is Jack and why does he need justice?

Also last season. He was a friend of Jude's and Callie's who was in the foster system and got placed in a home with a known violent man who ended up killing him.
He's painted as a victim of the "fostering for profit" private corporate foster system who cares little about the kids, and more about the bottom line.

Do we know the backstory on the transgender guy yet?

No backstory to speak of, I think. He's a law student working with an innocence project charity.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Thank you for answering my questions. I guess I must have missed the last couples of eps from last season also. I just got so annoyed that they were going to do a Brandon/Callie just had to sleep together plot. Honestly, that plot was so radared and I really didn't want to see it. It required that Callie lose her street smarts and that Brandon lose all his common sense. I get that teenagers are hormonal and all that, but they aren't stupid. Well yes they are, but under the specific circumstances that they were facing Callie & Brandon (as they were originally presented and evolved) wouldn't have fallen into that trap and that the writers would push them into it made me stop watching the show for awhile.


They slept together cuz Callie didn't think she was gunna get it then wouldn't have mattered.
